Configure a DvR Controller
Configuring a node as a DvR Controller enables DvR globally on that node.
Before you begin
Ensure that you configure IP Shortcuts on the node. This is necessary for proper functioning of the node as a DvR Controller.
Ensure that the dvr-leaf-mode boot flag is disabled on the node.
To verify the setting, enter show boot config flags in Privileged EXEC mode.
About this task
Perform this procedure to create a DvR domain with the domain ID that you specify, and configure the role of the node as the Controller of that domain. A Controller can belong to only one DvR domain.

For a node to perform the role of both a Controller and a Leaf within a DvR domain, you must configure it as a Controller.
Disabling DvR on a DvR Controller destroys the domain ID and all dynamic content learned within the DvR domain.
However the switch retains the VLAN specific configuration and you can view the information using the command show running-config.
Configure a node as a DvR Controller:
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch:1(config)#dvr controller 5
Switch:1>show dvr ================================================================== DVR Summary Info ================================================================== Domain ID : 5 Domain ISID : 16678219 Backbone ISID : 16678216 Role : Controller My SYS ID : 00:bb:00:00:81:21 Operational State : Up GW MAC : 00:00:5e:00:01:25 InjectDefaultRouteDisable(GRT) : Disabled VRRP on DVR I-SIDs : Enabled VRRP Priority : 100 VRRP Election : VLAN 10 / I-SID 10
Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the dvr controller command.
Variable |
Value |
<1-255> |
Specifies the domain ID of the DvR domain that the controller belongs. |