Configure Power Limits for Channels

About this task

Perform the following procedure to configure the PoE power limit for specific ports or channels. You can limit the PoE wattage available from an individual port or list of ports.


  1. Enter Interface Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

    interface GigabitEthernet {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]} or interface vlan <1–4059>



    If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.

  2. Configure PoE channel limits:

    poe poe-limit [port <portlist>] <power_limit>

Variable definitions

The following table defines parameters for the poe-limit command.




Identifies the ports on which the limit is set.


Specifies the configurable power limit, in watts on a particular port. To see the available range for the switch, use the CLI Help.