Filtering PIM routes

Configure MSDP global filter for which the SA local cache are distributed to all MSDP peers. All SA local cache entries generate SA messages.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IP.
  2. Click MSDP.
  3. Click the Globals tab.
  4. Select the RedistributeFilterEnabled check box.
  5. Type the name of the route policy in the RouteMapName field.
  6. Select the RedistributeFilterApply check box to apply the changes to the redistribute filter.
    You do not need to apply the changes in the following situations:
    • You create the redistribute filter without a route policy.

    • You disable the redistribute filter.

    • You remove a route policy from the redistribute filter.

  7. Click Apply.

Global field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.




Enables MSDP. If you clear this check box, you disable MSDP. The default setting is clear (disabled).


Configures the lifetime given to SA cache entries when created or refreshed.


Displays the total number of entries in the SA cache.


Specifies the IP address to use as the originator ID. If the address is not a system local address, the system rejects the configuration.


Specifies the name of the optional route policy to create or modify. You do not need to create a route policy to use the redistribution filter.


To delete the route map name, clear the field and click Apply.


Filters the (S,G,RP) entries provided by PIM to MSDP. The default is clear (disabled).


Applies the changes made to the redistribute filter.


Clears MSDP statistics.