

Failed unreg of IP prefix of BGP nexthop with rtmgr. Failure indicates lack of resources or a serious system error.


Please try restarting the peer, disabling and enabling BGP, or restarting BGP. Otherwise, this may be an unexpected internal condition needing technical assistance. Contact technical support with the following information: "show tech" and "upload debug". System Restart may be required for continued operation.



Message Text

[VR %vrid%] Failed unregistering nexthop from rtmgr: reg %reg% afi-safi %afi%-%safi%: nhop %nhop%/%plen% pType %pType% flags %flags% err %err%

Message Parameters

Name Type
vrid VRID
reg Ptr
afi uInt16
safi uInt8
nhop IPaddress
plen uInt8
pType uInt8
flags xInt8
err sInt