

An excessive number of state changes have occurred on a a BFD session without it being possible to inform an attached control plane component. This is likely to be a software error. The control plane component will not be accurately informed of the number of state changes it has missed.


Gather diagnostics and investigate.



Message Text

Excessive number of state changes on BFD session since last time control plane component was informed. BFD entity index = %p1% Session Index = %p2% Interface index = %p3% Address Type = %p4%(%p5%) Peer Address = %p6% Local Address = %p7% Control plane entity type = %p8% Control plane entity index = %p9% Control plane component process ID = %p10%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 sInt32
p2 uInt32
p3 uInt32
p4 String
p5 uInt8
p6 VarFmtByteArray
p7 VarFmtByteArray
p8 xInt32
p9 xInt32
p10 uInt32