

The trial period for unsupported and unlicensed high speed transceivers has expired, and the '3rd Party Optics' feature license has not been installed. All unlicensed high speed transceivers will be restricted to 25 percent of capacity the next time the port is enabled.


Use supported transceivers instead. Otherwise, contact technical support to purchase and install a '3rd Party Optics' feature license. Issue the CLI command 'show port x transceiver information detail' to see the transceiver type, vendor, part number, etc.



Message Text

The transceiver attached to port %slo_po% is unsupported and unlicensed, and the %trial_days% day trial period has expired. The transceiver will be restricted to %restrict_val% the next time the port is enabled.

Message Parameters

Name Type
slo_po SlotPort
restrict_val String
trial_days uInt