

An attempt to attach to a BFD session has been received from a control plane component that does not have an established join with the BFD stub. This is a transient condition. The request was rejected.


No action required - Informational message only.



Message Text

Attempt to attach to BFD session across unestablished join. BFD entity index = %p1% Interface index = %p2% Address Type = %p3%(%p4%) Peer Address = %p5% Local Address = %p6% Control plane entity type = %p7% Control plane entity index = %p8% Control plane component process ID = %p9%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 sInt32
p2 uInt32
p3 String
p4 uInt8
p5 VarFmtByteArray
p6 VarFmtByteArray
p7 xInt32
p8 sInt32
p9 uInt32