
This event occurs when an Ethernet pseudo-wire of an L2VPN changes state. The valid states for an Ethernet PW are "Up", "Down", "Signaling", and "Ready". If available, the new PW state may include detailed information regarding the reason for being in that particular state. This event also contains relevant information about the PW at the time of the state change, such as the MPLS PW labels.


No action required - Informational message only.



Message Text

Pseduo-wire to peer %peerIpaddr% in L2VPN %l2vpnType% \"%l2vpnName%\" changed state from %prevState% to %curState%. PWId=%pwId%, PWIndex=%pwIndex%, RxLabel=%rxLabel%, TxLabel=%txLabel%

Message Parameters

Name Type
l2vpnName String
l2vpnType String
peerIpaddr IPaddress
prevState String
curState String
pwId uInt32
pwIndex uInt32
rxLabel xInt32
txLabel xInt32