

NTP server(server, peer, or local reference clock) was selected as the system peer among candidates to adjust the local system clock by the selection algorithm. The selection algorithm scans all associations and casts off the false-tickers, which have demonstrated incorrect time, leaving the true-chimers as a result. In a series of rounds, the algorithm also discards the association statistically furthest from the center until a specified minimum number of survivors remain. One of the survivors is selected as system peer based on the statistical information with a weighted average basis. After a system peer is chosen, the local system can synchronize the clock itself from the system peer. While the clock is synchronized, a change of reliability, network path load, or system load can trigger another round of system peer election and then choose a new system peer.


No action required - Notification message only.



Message Text

The NTP %type% %server% is selected as system peer.

Message Parameters

Name Type
type String
server String