

Failed to set IP_PKTINFO or IPV6_PKTINFO socket option.


This is an internal socket library issue. Please try the following: check protocol and interface configuration, restart the protocol, reboot the system. If the event still occurs then contact technical support with the output of "show tech".



Message Text

Failed to set IP_PKTINFO or IPV6_PKTINFO socket option. Sockets stub may be unable to determine incoming interface for data arriving on this socket. Sockets error code = %p1% Socket ID = %p2% Socket type = %p3% Socket family = %p4% Socket protocol = %p5% Application handle = %p6% Stub socket handle = %p7%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 sInt
p2 sInt
p3 xInt32
p4 xInt32
p5 xInt32
p6 uInt32
p7 uInt32