

The security module will not be started because it requires an SSH License, which is not enabled on the switch. The user must enable the SSH license on the switch in order to use security features such as SSH2, SSL, SCP, SFTP and AES for SNMPv3, that are packaged as part of ssh.xmod.


The license key is tied to the switch serial number that you register through the web portal. For a standalone switch, this is the system serial number; for a modular switch, it is the chassis serial number; and for a SummitStack configuratio, it is the serial number of the Stack Master switch. The "show version" command displays serial numbers. If the user already has an SSH license key we can enable it using the "enable license {software} <key>" command. If the user has a consolidated license file (which has the license key of all the registered switches), we can enable it using the following 2 steps: a) Use the "tftp get" command to copy the license file to the switch; b) Use the "enable license file <file-name>" command to enable the license.



Message Text

Security module will not be started because SSH License is not enabled.