

The component receiving responses for the sent conduit events for other internal components failed. The error code in the log message should provide more details about the type of failure. Following are the some of the reasons for failure. 1. IO Componenet closing the connection due to non availability of system resource. 2. Crash/Failure at the IO. 3. Periodic keepalive messages not received at IO.


This is possibly the result of some malfunction at the IO. Restart the IO module by disabling followed by enabling the slot. Or Report the problem to your switch support contact.



Message Text

A failure occurred while receiving a response to a conduit send message for slot %slotNum%, error code %rc%, conduit type %cndtType%, and file descriptor %fileDescr%.

Message Parameters

Name Type
slotNum uInt
cndtType String
fileDescr sInt
rc sInt