

Either another NSI has already been assigned to this VLAN or the specified NSI has already been assigned to another VLAN. This indicates a misconfiguration that must be corrected before the system can function as desired.


Verify that the VLAN/NSI assignment reflected in this message is correct. If so, display the current VLAN/NSI assignments (show fabric attach assignments) and look for an assignment of the specified VLAN to a different NSI, or the specified NSI to a different VLAN. Note the port number of that conflicting assignment and correct the configuration of the device on that port. If no port number is listed for the conflicting entry then the configuration was entered by Policy, RADIUS, VLAN CLI or OTM CLI. If no conflict is found, then another device connected to the FA Server has requested a conflicting assignment. Repeat this process on the server to identify the conflicting device.



Message Text

Fabric Attach assignment of NSI %nsi% to VLAN %vlanTag% has been rejected.

Message Parameters

Name Type
nsi uInt32
vlanTag VLAN-tag