

Policy Manager has received a MIB request to activate a Route Map for an AFI/SAFI that is not currently supported. The Route Map is activated. The Route Map will have no effect until the support for the AFI/SAFI is enabled.


The user should confirm that there has been no error in configuring a Route Map for an AFI/SAFI that is not currently supported.



Message Text

Protocol Policy Manager has received a request to activate a Route Map for an AFI/SAFI that is not currently supported. VR: %p1% Route map index: %p2% Route map number: %p3% <AFI, SAFI>: <%p4%, %p5%>

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 uInt32
p2 xInt32
p3 xInt32
p4 uInt16
p5 uInt8