

The same secondary IPaddress has been configured on the PIM circuit which is advertised in the PIM hello messages from the PIM neighbor. That same secondary address was previously advertised by another neighbor and only the most recently received mapping will be maintained.


Remove the duplicate secondary address from the any one of the VLAN. Use "show vlan <vlan_name>" to see the configured ipaddress on the VLAN and use "unconfig vlan <vlan_name> ipaddress <ip_address>" to remove the duplicate address from the VLAN.



Message Text

Removing the duplicate secondary address %addr1% from %nbr2% which was received from %nbr1% in circuit %vlan0%.

Message Parameters

Name Type
addr1 IPaddrN
nbr1 IPaddrN
vlan0 VLAN
nbr2 IPaddrN