

The number of IPv4 routes has exceeded the number of routes reserved in "configure iproute reserved-entries <num_routes_needed>", and there is unicast traffic to a remote host whose LPM route is not among the number reserved in hardware. Since this LPM route is not present in hardware, an attempt is made to add the individual remote host to hardware, and the attempt failed. This attempt on the remote host only fails if the number of IPv4 unicast local hosts exceeds the hardware capacity times two. Note that any IPv4 unicast packet without an associated hardware forwarding entry will be slowpath forwarded. This message will be logged at most 1 time per hour when new IPv4 unicast remote host forwarding entries trigger this condition.


It is possible this condition occurred because too low a value was specified in "configure iproute reserved-entries <num_routes_needed>". The CLI command "show iproute reserved-entries statistics" can be used to display the various IP resources currently in hardware, and the theoretical maximum for each hardware product type. "show iproute summary" can be used to display the routes present in software.



Message Text

IPv4 unicast remote host entry not added. Hardware L3 Table full.