

When the ring is formed and a ring node is programmed, all BPEs on the backup path must be programmed with the reachability information for the ring node. Programming completion is ensured by monitoring the local request queues on the cascade ports for each BPE in the path. When all related requests in each queue have been processed, a marker placed in each queue is encountered. Once all markers for the BPE that occupies the specified slot are encountered, a ring logic callback function is informed. This message means that a failure was encountered when trying to set up for the callback. The failure could be due to memory exhaustion or the lack of presence of a BPE in the path, or some other error. The failure is mitigated by allowing the ring node to immediately become Ready for use since it is not possible to ensure the integrity of the path to the ring node without the callback mechanism described above.


No remedy is available. If automatic ring rebalancing mode is enabled, there may also be a failure to subsequently rebalance, which could leave the ring in a state where its re-establishment cannot be successfully completed. If automatic ring rebalancing is not enabled and the ring becomes disrupted before the path to the BPE slot is completely programmed, the same situation could occur. In such cases the user may eventually see a CfgSlotTmout log message.



Message Text

Failed to register ring node path programming complete callback for slot %slot%

Message Parameters

Name Type
slot sInt32