The following table describes all the possible Alerts that are raised by Fault Management.
Alert Name | Alert ID | Severity | Resource | Query Params | Param Values | |
CertificateExpiryNoticeAlert | 31000 | Warning | /App/System/Security/Certificate | type | app_server_cert | |
default_intermediate_ca | ||||||
default_root_ca | ||||||
third_party_ca | ||||||
k3s_server_cert | ||||||
k3s_ca | ||||||
jwt_cert | ||||||
DeviceCertificateExpiryNoticeAlert | 31001 | Warning | /App/System/Security/Certificate | device_ip | IP of the affected Device | |
type | https_server_cert | |||||
syslog_ca | ||||||
jwt_verifier | ||||||
CertificateExpiredAlert | 31002 | Critical | /App/System/Security/Certificate | type | app_server_cert | |
default_intermediate_ca | ||||||
default_root_ca | ||||||
third_party_ca | ||||||
DeviceCertificateExpiredAlert | 31003 | Critical | /App/System/Security/Certificate | device_ip | IP of the affected Device | |
type | https_server_cert | |||||
jwt_verifier | ||||||
CertificateRenewalAlert | 31004 | Info | /App/System/Security/Certificate | type | app_server_cert | |
default_intermediate_ca | ||||||
default_root_ca | ||||||
third_party_ca | ||||||
jwt_cert | ||||||
DeviceCertificateRenewalAlert | 31005 | Info | /App/System/Security/Certificate | device_ip | IP of the device | |
type | https_server_cert | |||||
jwt_verifier | ||||||
CertificateUnreadableAlert | 31006 | |||||
DeviceCertificateUnreadableAlert | 31007 | |||||
LoginFailureAlert | 31010 | Major | /App/System/Security/Authentication | |||
LoginSuccessfulAlert | 31011 | Info | /App/System/Security/Authentication | |||
LDAPServerConnectivityFailureAlert | 31030 | Major | /App/System/Security/Authentication | server | LDAP Server IP address | |
LDAPServerConnectivitySuccessAlert | 31031 | Info | /App/System/Security/Authentication | server | LDAP Server IP address | |
LDAPServerConfigurationRemovedAlert | 31033 | info | /App/System/Security/Authentication | server | LDAP Server IP address | |
StorageUtilizationThresholdAlert | 31040 | Warning | /App/System/Storage | node_ip | IP address of the node | |
mount_point | Name of the mount point | |||||
StorageUtilizationFullAlert | 31041 | Critical | /App/System/Storage | node_ip | IP address of the node | |
mount_point | Name of the mount point | |||||
StorageUtilizationCheckAlert | 31042 | Info | /App/System/Storage | node_ip | IP address of the node | |
mount_point | Name of the mount point | |||||
HAServiceNonRedundantAlert | 31050 | Major | /App/System/HA/Nodes/Node | |||
HAServiceFullyRedundantAlert | 31051 | Info | /App/System/HA/Nodes/Node | |||
HAServiceNewActiveAlert | 31052 | Info | /App/System/HA/Nodes/Node | |||
HAServiceFailoverAlert | 31052 | Info | /App/System/HA/Services | |||
ServiceDegradedAlert | 31053 | Major | /App/System/HA/Nodes/Services | |||
ServiceRestoredAlert | 31054 | Info | App/System/HA/Nodes/Services | |||
DeviceConnectivityFailureAlert | 31501 | Major | /App/Component/Asset/Device | device_ip | IP of the device | |
DeviceConnectivitySuccessAlert | 31502 | Info | /App/Component/Asset/Device | device_ip | IP of the device |