Configure SNMP View and Destination UDP Port

About this task

SNMP view is a group of MIB OIDs that limits viewing and configuring access within SNMP. SNMP communities and SNMP users can be configured to use a view. When accessing SNMP through a community or users, access will be limited to OIDs included in the view. By default, communities and users can use default efav3View view of EFA.

Table 1. Drift Reconcile & Idempotency Support
Identify Drift Reconcile Configuration Idempotency
Yes Yes Yes


  1. Create SNMP view.
    1. Run the following command to create an SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view create [ --ip device-ips | --name view-name | --mib-tree mib-oid | --mib-tree-access access
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name view-name
       View name
      --mib-tree mib-oid
       MIB subtree in the form of Object identifier. Example:
      --mib-tree-access access
       Mib-tree access. Valid values are: included, excluded

      The following example creates a view on a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view create --ip --name view1 --mib-tree --mib-tree-access included
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | MIB-Tree-Access | Status  | Reason |
      | | view1 |  | included        | Success |        |
      | | view1 |  | included        | Success |        |
      Snmp view details
    2. Run the following command to delete an SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view delete [ --ip device-ips | --name view-name | --mib-tree mib-oid |
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name view-name
       View name
      --mib-tree mib-oid
       MIB subtree in the form of Object identifier. Example:

      The following example deletes a view on a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view delete --ip --name view1 --mib-tree
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | Status  | Reason |
      | | view1 |  | Success |        |
      | | view1 |  | Success |        |
      Snmp view details
    3. Run the following command to list SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view list [ --ip device-ips |
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example shows the current SNMP view for the specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view list --ip
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | MIB-Tree_Access | AppState |
      | | view1 |  | included        |          |
      +               +-------+----------+-----------------+----------+
      |               | view2 |  | included        |          |
      | | view3 |  | excluded        |          |
      Snmp view details
    4. Run the following command to create an SNMP community and SNMP group:
      efa inventory device snmp community create [ --ip device-ips | --name community | --group group | --enable-read-access | --enable-write
      access | --enable-notify-access | --view view-name ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name community
      Specifies an SNMP community name.
      --group group
      Specifies an SNMP group name.
      Sets read access for the view.
      Sets write access for the view.
      Sets notify access for the view.
      Optionally specify a SNMP view name. Default view efav3View.used when not specified.

      The following example creates a community using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp community create --ip --name community1 --group group1 --enable-read-access --view view1
      |  IP     |    Community   |Group  |Read  |Write | Notify |View  |Status  |Reason |
      |  Address|    Name        |       |view  |view  | view   |      |        |       |
      | 10.139  | $9$smklvisSghO |group1 |view1 |      |        |view1 |Success |       |
      | .44.153 | ZEQvXJKBDeA==  |       |      |      |        |      |        |       |
      Snmp community details
    5. Run the following command to list an SNMP community:
      efa inventory device snmp community list [--ip device-ip ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example creates a community using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp community list --ip
      | IP      |    Community   |Group  | Read  |Write | Notify |View  | AppState   |
      | Address |    Name        |       | view  |view  | view   |      |            |
      | 10.139  | $9$smklvisSghO |group1 | view1 |      |        |view1 | cfg-in-sync|
      | .44.153 | ZEQvXJKBDeA==  |       |       |      |        |      |            |
    6. Run the following command to create an SNMP user and SNMP group:
      efa inventory device snmp user create [--ip device-ip | --name community
      | --group group | --enable-read-access | --enable-write-access | --
      enable-notify-access | --auth-protocol md5 | sha | --auth-pass
      authphrase | --priv-protocol AES128 | DES | --priv-pass privphrase |
      --view view-name]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name community
      Specifies an SNMP community name.
      --group group
      Specifies an SNMP group name.
      Sets read access for the view.
      Sets write access for the view.
      Sets notify access for the view.
      --auth-protocol md5 | sha
      Sets notify access for the view. This parameter is set to off, by default.
      --auth-pass passphrase
      Authentication password.
      --priv-protocol AES128 | DES
      Privacy protocol.
      --priv-pass privphrase
      Privacy password.
      --view view-name
      Optionally specify a SNMP view name. Default view efav3View.used when not specified.

      The following example creates users using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp user create --ip --name user1 --group group1 --view view1
      |IP      |User |Group |Read |Write |Notify |View |Auth  |Auth       |Priv  |Priv       |Status  |Reason |
      |Address |     |      |view |view  |view   |     |proto |passphrase |proto |passphrase |        |       |
      |10.139. |user1|group1|     |      |       |View1|      |           |      |           |Success |       |
      |44.153  |     |      |     |      |       |     |      |           |      |           |        |       |
      Snmp user details
    7. Run the following command to list an SNMP users:
      efa inventory device snmp user list [--ip device-ip ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example list SNMP users:

      efa inventory device snmp user list --ip
      |IP      |User |Group |Read |Write |Notify |View  |Auth       |Auth  |Priv       |Priv |AppState    |
      |Address |     |view  |view |view  |       |proto |passphrase |proto |passphrase |     |            |
      |10.139  |user1|group1|     |      |       |View1 |           |      |           |     |cfg-in-sync |
      |.44.153 |     |      |     |      |       |      |           |      |           |     |            |
      Snmp user details
  2. Create SNMP host.
    1. Run the following command to create SNMP v2c or v3 host with a specified UDP port:
      efa inventory device snmp host create [--ip device-ip | --host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN |--community community | --user user | --version v2c | v3
      | --notify-type traps | informs | --engine-id remote_id | --udp-port port]
      --ip device-ip                   Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP
                                       addresses. Example:,,
      --host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN     Specifies a host IP address.
      --community community            Specifies a community name. Applicable for v2c
      --user user                      Specifies an SNMP v3 user.
      --version v2c | v3               Specifies the SNMP version.
      --notify-type traps | informs    Specifies the notification type. Informs are 
                                       valid for v3 only.
      --engine-id remote_id            Specifies the remote engine ID of manager.
      --udp port                       Optional port number used to send notifications.
                                       Range: 0-65535, Default=162 (default 162)

      The following example creates and lists SNMP host:

      efa inventory device snmp host create --ip --host-ip --user user1 --version v3 --notify-type traps --udp-port 163
      |IP      |Host |User |Community |Notify |Engine |Source    | Vrf     |UDP |Severity |Status  |Reason |
      |Address |IP   |     |          |Type   |ID     |Interface |         |port|         |        |       |
      |10.139  |1.1  |user1|          |traps  |       |management|mgmt-vrf |163 |None     |Success |       |
      |.44.153 |.1.1 |     |          |       |       |chassis-ip|         |    |         |        |       |            
      Snmp host details
      efa inventory device snmp host list --ip
      |IP      |Host |User |Community |Notify |Remote   |Source    |  Vrf    |UDP  |Severity |AppState    |
      |Address |IP   |     |          |Type   |EngineID |Interface |         |port |         |            |
      |10.139  |1.1  |user1|          |traps  |         |management|mgmt-vrf |163  |None     |cfg-in-sync |
      |.44.153 |.1.1 |     |          |       |         |chassis-ip|         |163  |         |            |
      Snmp host details