Configure Minimum Link Count on Port Channel

About this task

Minimum number of links per port-channel indicates the least number of links that need to be operationally UP. This indicates the number of port-channel as operationally UP. You can provide an optional "min-link-count" per EFA port-channel during PO create and PO update operations, which gets configured on the SLX port-channel.

Default value of min-link-count for a port-channel is 1, which is same as the SLX default value. Update the min-link-count attribute value using min-link-count operation. EFA validates the po-member-port-count >= po-min-link-count per device.



During upgrade from EFA 2.3.0 to EFA 2.4.0 and above, the min-link-count for the port-channels is set to the default value 1.

  • Empty PO: EFA 2.4.0 and above does not support empty PO. Therefore, during upgrade from EFA 2.3.2 to EFA 2.4.0 or above, all the empty POs are marked with “delete-pending” state.
  • Non-empty PO: During upgrade from EFA 2.3.2 to EFA 2.4.0 or above, all the non-empty PO gets configured with the default value (1) of min-link-count, and the default value is displayed as part of efa tenant po show command output.
  • Single Homed to Dual Homed PO conversion is not allowed in EFA 2.4.0 and above.


  1. Configure Minimum Link Count when you create a Port-Channel.
    efa tenant po create --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --description <po-description> 
            --speed <100Mbps|1Gbps|10Gbps|25Gbps|40Gbps|100Gbps> --negotiation <active|passive|static> 
    	 --port <list-of-po-members> --min-link-count <min-link-count> 
            --number <po-number> --lacp-timeout <short|long>
  2. Configure Minimum Link Count when you update a Port-Channel.
    efa tenant po update --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 
             --operation <port-add|port-delete|lacp-timeout|description|min-link-count>
             --port <list-of-po-members> --lacp-timeout string <short|long> --min-link-count <min-link-count> 
             --description <po-description>


    efa tenant po create --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --port[0/1-2],[0/1-2] 
    --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active --description tenant1po1 --min-link-count 2
    efa tenant po create --name ten1po2 --tenant ten1 --port[0/3],[0/3] 
    --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active 
    efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-delete --port[0/1],[0/1] --min-link-count 1
    efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation port-add --port[0/1],[0/1] --min-link-count 2
    efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 1
    efa tenant po update --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --operation min-link-count --min-link-count 2
    efa tenant po show
    | Name  |Tenant|ID |Speed |Negotiation|Min Link| Lacp  |       Ports        |  State    | Dev State | App State |
    |       |      |   |      |           | Count  |Timeout|                    |           |           |           |
    |ten1po1| ten1 | 1 |10Gbps|  active   |   2    | long  |[0/1-2] |po-created |provisioned|cfg-in-sync|
    |       |      |   |      |           |        |       |[0/1-2] |           |           |           |
    |ten1po2| ten1 | 2 |10Gbps|  active   |   1    | long  |[0/3]  |po-created |provisioned|cfg-in-sync|
    |       |      |   |      |           |        |       |[0/3]  |           |           |           |