Asset, Tenant, Fabric, and Policy Services use periodic discovery to detect out-of-sync configurations on the devices. These Services act on the published events and update the database to reflect the status of the devices as in-sync and out-of-sync.
You can perform on-demand full device discovery using the efa inventory device update command.
The Asset service periodically polls the devices in the fabric and keeps the database and other services updated of any changes in the underlying fabric. The default polling interval is one hour, with valid values ranging from 15 minutes to 24 hours.
You can use the efa inventory device discovery-time list command to view the current discovery interval for a device or fabric. You can use the efa inventory device discovery-time update command to configure the discovery interval.
EFA determines out-of-band configuration changes on the devices. If there are no out-of-band configuration changes, the device updates are optimized.