Configure Redistribute Attribute on Tenant VRF

EFA allows provisioning of redistribute attribute per tenant VRF when you create or update a VRF.

About this task

VRF is updated on the switches during the user triggered VRF update operation based on the endpoints present in the endpoint groups using the VRF.



  • Default value of redistribute is connected.
  • Choosing specific devices for redistribute provisioning is not allowed.


  1. To configure redistribute attribute when you create a tenant VRF, run the following commands:
    # efa tenant vrf create --name <vrf-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --redistribute <list>
  2. To configure redistribute attribute on an existing tenant VRF, run the following commands:
    # efa tenant vrf update --name <vrf-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --operation <redistribute-add|redistribute-delete> --redistribute <static | connected>


    # efa tenant vrf create --name vrf1 --tenant tenant1 --redistribute static
    # efa tenant vrf create –name vrf10 –tenant tenant1 
    # efa tenant epg create --name ten1epg1 --tenant tenant1 --port10.24.80.134[0/11],[0/11] --switchport-mode trunk –ctag-range 11 --vrf vrf1 –-anycast-ip 11:
    # efa tenant epg create --name ten1epg2 --tenant tenant1 --port10.24.80.134[0/12],[0/12] --switchport-mode trunk -–ctag-range 12 --vrf vrf10 -–anycast-ip 12:
    # efa tenant vrf update -–name vrf10 –tenant tenant1 --operation redistribute-add --redistribute static
    Device1# sh run router bgp
    router bgp
    local-as 4200000000
    address-family ipv4unicast vrf vrf1
    redistribute static
    address-family ipv4unicast vrf vrf10
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static
    Device2# sh run router bgp
    router bgp
    local-as 4200000000
    address-family ipv4unicast vrf vrf1
    redistribute static
    address-family ipv4unicast vrf vrf10
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static
    address-family ipv6unicast vrf vrf1
    redistribute static
    !address-family ipv6unicast vrf vrf10
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static