Configure RME on Interface

About this task

Use the following CLIs to configure Redundant Management Ethernet (RME) on the SLX interface. This feature is supported only on 9150, 9250, 9740 SLX platforms. The configuration set by you is persisted in EFA database. DRC is supported:
  • efa inventory device interface set-fec
  • efa inventory device interface set-link-error-disable
  • efa inventory device interface set-snmp
    • efa inventory device snmp community create
    • efa inventory device snmp community delete
    • efa inventory device snmp community list
    • efa inventory device snmp user create
    • efa inventory device snmp user delete
    • efa inventory device snmp user list
    • efa inventory device snmp host create
    • efa inventory device snmp host delete
    • efa inventory device snmp host list


For more information about the commands, see the Extreme Fabric Automation Command Reference, 3.1.0

Internally, EFA automatically sets the PPS (packets per second) value after RME is enabled. For SLX 9150 and 9250 devices, PPS is set to 8000.

On SLX 9740, the BPS (bits per second) is set to 20000 Kbps after RME is enabled.


  1. Run the efa inventory device interface redundant-management command.
    efa inventory device interface redundant-management [flags]
          --ip string        Comma separated range of device IP addresses. 
          --if-name string   only one interface name. Example: 0/50
          --enable string    Valid values: true, false
                --- Time Elapsed: 9.610987ms ---


    efa inventory device interface redundant-management –-ip –-if-name 0/17 –-enable true
    • Run the following command to disable RME.
      efa inventory device interface redundant-management –-ip –-if-name 0/17 –-enable false
  2. Configure device on the SLX.
    SLX# show running-config interface eth 0/17
    interface Ethernet 0/17
     redundant-management enable
     no shutdown