Change a Preshared Key

This procedure outlines how to update the WPA preshared key privacy for a networks service.



The attributes in this topic are a representative sample of what is a available. For a complete list of attributes, elements, and resources, see the main documentation of the REST API. The documentation resides in a user interface that is accessed using this URL:

To change a preshared key:

  1. Log in to the REST API server ( using administrator credentials. You must also forward the credentials with each API call. For an example of how to log in, see Log in to the REST API Server.
  2. Get the list of services to get the service ID you want to change:
    GET HTTP://ipAddressmanagement/v1/services
  3. Change the configuration using the PUT method:
    PUT HTTP://ipAddress/management/v1/services/serviceId

    When you POST or PUT data to the REST API, at minimum set the Content-Type header to application/json. However, you should generally specify two headers when you post the log in request.

    • content-type: application/json ;charset=UTF-8
    • accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
    Any of the following Accept headers are allowed with the Content-Type header request header:
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    • accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8,und;q=0.6
    Click to expand in new window

    Request Attributes: WpaPskElement

    Attribute Data Type Description
    isKeyHexEncoded boolean Indicates whether the shared key is a plain text string or an ASCII-encoded hex string which could include hex representations of binary data.
    mode WpaV2Mode Whether to support legacy clients that only can use TKIP. Auto - means use AES when possible but use TKIP for clients that only speak TKIP. AES means only use AES encryption, even if it means that a TKIP only client cannot access the network. Default is "auto" but "aes" is more secure.
    pmfMode PmfMode Whether to encrypt a subset of management frame traffic as specified by 802.11w. Default: enable
    presharedKey string The shared key used by all APs and all clients accessing a service that is protected with the settings of this WpaPsk object. The length must be between 8 and 64 characters inclusive. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters.

Example: PUT Request


Example: Response
