
When you POST or PUT data to the REST API, at minimum set the Content-Type header to application/json. However, you should generally specify two headers when you post the log in request.

  • content-type: application/json ;charset=UTF-8
  • accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Any of the following Accept headers are allowed with the Content-Type header request header:
  • accept: application/json
  • accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
  • accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8,und;q=0.6
How you specify the headers depends on the tools you are using:
  • Postman - Use the tab titled Headers, where you can select the header type and specify the value that you want.
  • curl - Add headers to the request using the '-H' command line option (for example, -H "Accept:application/json").
  • A Programming Language - The HTTP library you are using likely has a call to set the request headers.

If you get an "unsupported media type" error, it is likely that your program did not specify the content-type header.