ExtremeCloud License Expiration
ExtremeCloud expiring licenses are handled as follows:
- 90-day warning in the user
interface before the
license expires:
- Warnings display in the heading of the main
- View the list of expiring entitlements
- During the 90 days prior to license expiry,
ExtremeCloud provides the device with full functionality. After
the license expires, the device is not eligible for support and its
configuration cannot be changed.
- 90-day grace period to renew the
license after the license
expires. The devices are not configurable during the grace period.
- After the 90-day grace period expires:
- The device is completely
ignored. It cannot be configured, and its statistics and events are
- All cloud-managed devices
will start trying to discover an Extreme
Networks cloud manager as if
it never had a manager before.
If you choose to renew the license after it expires, the device can recover the
cloud configuration if your account has not been eliminated and if ExtremeCloud has not
deleted your data. If you have other devices at the same site that you are adding the
renewed device to, the renewed device will receive the current configuration of the
other devices. This configuration may be different than the renewed device had before
its license expired.

For information about licensing in product
integrations, such as
ExtremeLocation, see the product-specific