Assign Port Functions

This procedure outlines how to assigning specific port functions to switch ports.



The attributes in this topic are a representative sample of what is a available. For a complete list of attributes, elements, and resources, see the main documentation of the REST API. The documentation resides in a user interface that is accessed using this URL:

To assign specific port functions:

  1. Log in to the REST API server ( using administrator credentials. You must also forward the credentials with each API call. For an example of how to log in, see Log in to the REST API Server.
  2. Use the GET method to specify a switch by serial number and view the list of ports for that switch:
    GET http://{ipAdress}/v1/switches/{serialNumber}/ports
  3. Update the switch ports by assigning functions to its ports:
    PUT HTTP://{ipAddress}/v1/switches/{serialNumber}/ports/{portNumber}

    When you POST or PUT data to the REST API, at minimum set the Content-Type header to application/json. However, you should generally specify two headers when you post the log in request.

    • content-type: application/json ;charset=UTF-8
    • accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
    Any of the following Accept headers are allowed with the Content-Type header request header:
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    • accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8,und;q=0.6
    Click to expand in new window

    Request Attributes

    Attribute Data Type Description
    adminStatus PortAdminStatus Supports administratively enable and disabling a port. Validations: One of the values from the PortAdminStatus enum On/Off.
    defaultPolicy String The default policy assigned to the port.
    isDot1xEnabled Boolean A flag to indicate if Dot1x is enabled on the port. Valid values are true/false.
    isLLDPEnabled Boolean A flag to indicate if LLDP is enabled on the port. Valid values are true/false.
    isMacAuthEnabled Boolean A flag to indicate if MAC based authentication is enabled on the port. Valid values are true/false.
    isSTPEnabled Boolean A flag to indicate if STP is enabled on the port. Valid values true/false.
    lagType LagPortType A flag to identify if a port is LAG master or member port.
    lagmembers Array of strings A list of lag member ports.
    poePortConfig PoEPortElement The POE configuration on the port.
    portAlias String The user assigned name for the port. ExtremeCloud will auto generate ”portAliases” to be the serial number of the device + port ID, and will not allow the user to set the port (this is to match ZTP+ implementation). Validations: Not required, as it is a read only attribute.
    portCapability SwitchPortCapabilityElement Returns the capability, software/hardware of a switch port.
    portName String The name of the port. Default Name: portNumber.
    portNumber String The name of the port, for XOS is the numeric value matching port ID (on the CLI). Validations: Not required, as it is a read only attribute.
    portSpeed PortSpeedEnum The actual port speed. Validations: A valid type of PortSpeedEnum.
    portType PortType The type of the port. Supported values are Access/Uplink/Others. Validations: Not required, as it is a read only attribute.
    pvid String The port VLAN ID.
    taggedTopologies Array of string A list of tagged topologies configured in a site.
    untaggedTopology String The untagged topologies configured in a site.
    features Array of strings A list of supported features.
    flexibleClientAccess Boolean Enabling this feature causes an access point (AP) to take steps to ensure that fast clients with content to send will get as much airtime as slow clients. When this is feature is turned off, the AP treats all clients equally and processes packet forwarding requests on a First-Come-First-Serve basis. Default: disable
    mbaAuthorization Boolean Select to enable MBA authorization.
    mbatimeoutRoleId String The MAC-based authentication timeout role ID. Validations: A valid UUID of a role.
    mgmtFrameProtection MgmtFrameProtection The management frame protection to use (disabled/enabled/required).
    openDNSDeviceId String Content filtering using open DNS.
    policyOnRadiusTimeout String A role to apply if the rejectonradiustimeout = false and the RADIUS request times out.
    postAuthenticatedIdleTimeout Number The number of minutes that the station can remain idle (not transmit payload traffic) before its session is terminated. This applies to stations that have authenticated to the network. Unless address space is at a premium, this can and should be set to a higher value than preAuthenticatedIdleTimeout. The default for this attribute is 30 minutes. This is an advanced option. An administrator should have to drill down for it in GUI applications. Validations: An integer between 0 and 999999.
    preAuthenticatedIdleTimeout Number The number of minutes that the station can remain idle (not transmit payload traffic) before its session is terminated. Applies to stations in the unauthenticated state. Usually this should be set to a low value since many devices associate to whatever wireless networks they see, even though the owner is not planning to use the network and may not be aware that there even is a wireless network nearby. The default for this attribute is 5 minutes. This is an advanced option. An administrator should have to drill down for it in GUI applications. Validations: An integer between 5 and 999999.
    privacyWpaPassPhrase String A string to contain the WPA-PSK passphrase.
    redirectOrigDestOnSuccess Boolean Flag to specify to redirect Pronto CP users to their original destination upon successful login.
    rejectOnRadiusTimeout Boolean A flag to reject MU if a RADIUS request times out.
    rm11kBeaconReport Boolean Select to enable the beacon report.
    rm11kQuietIe Boolean Select to enable Quiet IE.
    rm11ksupport Boolean Select to enable11rSupport.
    roamingAssistPolicy Boolean A flag to enable client roaming assistance for legacy clients (not 802.11v complaint).
    serviceName String The unique service name defined by the user. Validations: A not null and non-empty string, between 1 to 64 characters. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    sessionTimeout Number The maximum number of minutes that a station is allowed to have a session on the network before it is logged out. This applies even when the user is active. Setting this to 0 allows the user to stay on the network indefinitely without reauthenticating. The default for this attribute is 0. This value is used as the default maximum session duration for each new session. The session duration timeout values sent from a RADIUS server overrides this value. Validations: An integer between 0 and 999999.
    ssid String The SSID is not necessarily the same as the service name, but the service name is the default for the SSID. Validations: A not null and non-empty string, between 1 to 32 characters. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters.
    status ServiceStatus The status of the service (enabled, disabled, scheduled).
    suppressSsid Boolean Include the SSID in the beacon frame or suppress it. Setting this attribute to true prevents the SSID from being advertised in the beacon. Setting it to false requires the SSID to be included in the beacon advertisements. (This should be considered an advanced option for an administrator.) Default: false
    tag String An arbitrary identifier of SSID. Examples: guest or staff
    uapsdEnabled Boolean Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD) also known as WMM power save. Set to true to enable U-APSD and false to disable. (This is an advanced setting that most users will never need to change. It is configurable only because some client devices do not implement U-APSD correctly and run into trouble on networks using it.) Default: true (enabled)
    unAuthenticatedUserDefaultRoleID String Default role for unauthenticated users.
    vendorSpecificAttributes Array of VsaType In addition to the standard RADIUS message, you can include Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs). The Extreme Networks IdentiFi Wireless authentication mechanism provides seven VSAs for RADIUS and other authentication mechanisms.

Example: PUT Request - Update Port Functions on a Switch


Example: Response - Update Port Functions on a Switch

  "custId" : null,
  "id" : null,
  "portNumber" : "7",
  "portName" : "7",
  "portType" : "ACCESS",
  "portAlias" : "7",
  "portSpeed" : "AUTO",
  "typeOfService" : 0,
  "adminStatus" : "On",
  "defaultPolicy" : null,
  "poePortConfig" : {
    "custId" : null,
    "id" : null,
    "portName" : "7",
    "enabled" : false,
    "poePortAlias" : "7",
    "detection" : "poe_802_3af_only",
    "operatorLimit" : null,
    "priority" : null
  "lagmembers" : [ ],
  "lagType" : "None",
  "taggedTopologies" : [ ],
  "untaggedTopology" : "87b7f72c-8fcb-11e5-8994-feff819cdc9f",
  "portCapability" : {
    "custId" : null,
    "id" : null,
    "speedsSupported" : [ "AUTO", "SPEED_1GIG", "SPEED_TEN100", "TEN" ],
    "poeSupported" : false,
    "mediaType" : "Copper_1G"
  "pvid" : "87b7f72c-8fcb-11e5-8994-feff819cdc9f",
  "stpenabled" : true,
  "lldpenabled" : true,
  "dot1xEnabled" : true,
  "macAuthEnabled" : false