This topic describes the upgrade process that takes
place for the
ExtremeWireless AP3916ic access point (AP). This process takes place
automatically and is described here for edification.
- When an upgrade is required, ExtremeCloud responds to the access
point (AP) check-in with an Upgrade action.
- The Upgrade action can contain one or two software
versions to which AP should upgrade. If there are two upgrade entries, one
entry is for the camera. If the response requires both AP and camera
software upgrades, the AP ignores the camera firmware upgrade request.
- The AP upgrades its own firmware, just like any other
cloud-enabled AP.
- The AP reboots, and then sends a connect request.
- When the connect request is acknowledged, the AP sends
an upgrade query. ExtremeCloud
determines that the AP is running the correct AP software but the wrong
camera software. (Cloud-management considers the wrong camera as a
- ExtremeCloud retries the upgrade by responding with the new camera software
- The AP receives the camera software version, downloads
it, and then upgrades the camera to the software.
- The AP reboots after the camera software upgrade, and
then sends a connect request to the ExtremeCloud.
- When ExtremeCloud responds to the connect request, the AP sends
an upgrade query.
- ExtremeCloud detects that the AP is running the correct versions of the AP and camera
software, and then allows the AP to request configuration.
- The AP configuration is updated and goes back into