Configure an IoT Service

IoT services are assigned at the site level, with one IoT service per site. The IoT configuration is applied to all APs at the site that support IoT. APs that do not support IoT are ignored by the IoT configuration. The IoT services that are available depend on whether the site is an ExtremeWireless or ExtremeWireless WiNG site. Thread gateway offers the ability to configure whitelists.



For a list of supported APs with IoT hardware, see the ExtremeCloud Release Notes

To configure an IoT service:

  1. Select Configure > Sites from the menu.
    The Sites list displays.
  2. From the Sites list, select siteName > Configure Site, or select Add to add a new site.
  3. Select the IoT tab.
  4. In the Application field, select an IoT service from the drop-down list.
    The corresponding fields display.
    Click to expand in new window
    Example of Thread Gateway Configuration
  5. If iBeacon was selected, edit the fields as follows:
    Advertising Interval Specify the how often, in milliseconds, your beacon will transmit its advertising packet. Values: Min (100ms) and Max (10240ms). Default: Min (100ms)
    UUID An identifier used to differentiate a large group of related beacons. Specify the UUID for which you want to filter data. ExtremeCloud forwards the data that matches the specified UUID and filters out all other UUID data. If the UUID configured value is all zeros, no filtering occurs.
    Major Specify a subset of beacons within the larger UUID set. This value can represent a venue specific attribute, such as a specific store or a wing in a building. Values: 0 to 65635
    Minor Specify an individual beacon whose location you want to more precisely pinpoint. This value complements the UUID and Major values to provide more granular identification of a specific location, such as a particular shelf, door-way, or item. Values: 0 to 65635
  6. If Eddystone-URL was selected, edit the fields as follows:
    URL Specify the URL that is included with the Eddystone-url beacon. Limit: 17 characters. The 17 characters does not include the protocol, but it does include the domain name. The URL is compressed, effectively allowing more than a 17 character input. See for the Eddystone-url compression rules to more accurately judge the length of your URL. If necessary, search for third-party URL shortening services available on the Internet.
    Advertising Interval Specify the how often, in milliseconds, your beacon will transmit its advertising packet. Values: Min (100ms) and Max (10240ms). Default: Min (100ms)
  7. If Thread Gateway was selected, edit the fields as follows:
    Network Name Specify a network service name. The networks service provides the policies that will be used for the thread network.
    Channel Specify the IEEE Standard: 802.15.4 AP channel number.
    Short PAN ID Specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) identifier as a 16-bit short address, which uniquely identifies the AP thread network. The PAN ID is part of the MAC-layer and is used in RF data transmissions between devices in a thread network. The default value is derived from the AP serial number.
    Extended PAN ID Specify the unique 64-bit MAC-layer address, which provides more specific network identification than the short PAN ID. PAN IDs are used in RF data transmissions between devices in a thread network. The default value is derived from the AP serial number.
    Master Key Specify the network master key used to encrypt communication between nodes in a thread network.
    IoT Radio Service Select the network service that the AP radios will use for IoT management.
  8. (Thread Gateway only) To configure a whitelist, select Whitelist. This step is optional.
    The Whitelist dialog opens.
  9. (Thread Gateway only) Edit the fields in the Whitelist dialog:
    Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) Specify the unique ID of the IPv6 interface that will be allowed access to the thread network. Limit: 16 hex characters
    Password Specify the password for the EUI. Limit: 32 characters
  10. Select Save.
For APs with an external IoT antenna, configure the antenna settings in the Professional Install dialog for an ExtremeWireless AP or an ExtremeWireless WiNG AP. The antenna is configured at the device level, not at the site level.