Update an Access Point's Configuration

This procedure outlines how to update the attributes of an access point (AP), such as the site assignment.



The attributes in this topic are a representative sample of what is a available. For a complete list of attributes, elements, and resources, see the main documentation of the REST API. The documentation resides in a user interface that is accessed using this URL: http://api.extremenetworks.com/extremecloud/rest_api/index.html

To update an access point's configuration:

  1. Log in to the REST API server (api.ezcloudx.com) using administrator credentials. You must also forward the credentials with each API call. For an example of how to log in, see Log in to the REST API Server.
  2. Get the list of APs to find the serial number of the AP you want to configure:
    GET HTTP://ipAddress/v1/aps/
  3. Change the configuration using the PUT method:
    PUT HTTP://ipAddress/v1/aps/serialNumber

    When you POST or PUT data to the REST API, at minimum set the Content-Type header to application/json. However, you should generally specify two headers when you post the log in request.

    • content-type: application/json ;charset=UTF-8
    • accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
    Any of the following Accept headers are allowed with the Content-Type header request header:
    • accept: application/json
    • accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    • accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8,und;q=0.6
    Click to expand in new window

    Request Attributes: AccessPointElement

    Attribute Data Type Description
    apName String A user friendly name for the access point. (It defaults to the serial number and does not have to be unique.) Validations: The access point name must be between 0 and 64 characters long. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    baseService License Mode The base service associated with the AP.
    description String A user-entered string describing this access point (AP). Its contents can be completely arbitrary. It can be null or empty. Validations: The description must be between 0 and 255 characters long. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    deviceGroupId String The site associated with the AP.
    dnsServers Array of InetAddress A list containing the list of DNS servers.
    features Array of strings A list of supported features on the AP. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    floorId String The floor configured for the AP.
    hardwareType String The model number of the device. The model number is a human readable string and is likely how the device is referred to in the customer documentation and data sheets. In the case of access points (APs), the model number provides critical information regarding the regulatory domain that the AP is to operate in, and provides a way to infer the number of radios in the AP and their capabilities. Validations: The hardware type value must be between 0 and 32 characters long. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    hostSite String The site to which the access point is associated. Validations: The software version must be between 0 and 64 characters long. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    ipAddress InetAddress The IP address of one of the access point's wired interfaces. This is the address of the AP on the customer's network. It is not the address that the cloud data center sees as the source when the AP sends a message to it. That address is likely to belong to a firewall/NAT. Validations: This value must be a valid IpAddress.
    ipRoutes Array of IpRouteElement A list containing the IP routes.
    lag Status The state the LAG should be in.
    ledStatus LedStatus The state that the access point's LEDs should be in. It can be read or written. The default is "normal". Validations: A not null value.
    logEnabled Boolean  
    radios Array of RadioElement A list of radios in the access point. Validations: A not null and non-empty list of RadioElements.
    serialNumber String The globally unique serial number of the device being registered. The serial number is represented as a string. The actual length and format of the string depends on the type of device being registered. This is the only attribute of the device that must not be null. Validations: A not null and non-empty string having exactly 16 characters. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    services Array of string A list of the names of the services that this AP is providing. They could be obtained by looking up its site and getting them from there but it is likely that it will be more efficient to include references to the services directly. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    siteId String Site associated with the AP.
    softwareVersion String The software version number that is installed on the access point. Validations: There is no need for a user to enter this, so there is no need to validate it. Valid character set: Alphanumeric and special characters, except semi-colon, colon, and ampersand.
    supportedCountries Array of countries A list of supported countries for the AP. Validations: None.
    telnetEnabled Boolean A flag to enable and disable SSH.
    vlanInterfaces Array of VlanInterfaceElement A list of VLAN interfaces configured on the access point.
    wiredInterfaces Array of WiredInterfaceElement A list of wired interfaces configured on the access point.

Example: PUT Request

"description":"update description",

Example: Response

"description":"update description",