Create a Basic REST API Command
Basic CRUD operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) are supported by the REST API.
The basic syntax for an API command
METHOD HTTP://ipAddress/{v1\v3}/resourceManager/ID/dataType/ID
Log in to the REST API server as an administrator or MSP Power Admin and get the authorization token.
Open the REST API Documentation GUI to find the resource manager and data
types that you want to view or configure.
In your REST API tool (such as Postman), enter your authorization token.
Add the headers.
Enter the command (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and the URI.
POST HTTP://ipAddress/v1/switches/serialNumber/ports/portNumber
Enter the command body data structure if you are performing a POST or PUT
command. (GET and DELETE do not require a body data structure.) The data
structure does not need to include all of the attributes and elements that are
available to the resource manager, but a minimum set of parameters are required.
The minimum set of requirements can be viewed in the REST API Documentation GUI.
For example, the JSON data structure body can follow this input
Send the call.
The response body is returned with
the output attributes if the operation is successful, or an error message is
returned if an error is made.