show inline-power slot

show inline-power [fast | perpetual] slot slot


Displays inline power information for the specified node (slot) on SummitStacks.

Syntax Description

slot Specifies the node (slot).
fast Specifies showing fast PoE power status, which is the ability to provide power to devices at the time of switch power on without waiting for boot up based on last saved PoE state.
perpetual Specifies showing perpetual PoE power status, which is the ability to preserve PoE power delivery to devices during reboot. Perpetual PoE is a switch-wide setting.



Usage Guidelines

On SummitStacks, the output indicates the following inline power status for each system:
  • Configured power:
    • Enabled.
    • Disabled.
  • System power surplus.
  • Redundant power surplus.
  • Power usage threshold.
  • Disconnect precedence.
  • Legacy—The status of the legacy mode, which allows detection of many non-standard PDs.
The output indicates the following inline power status information for each slot:
  • Inline power status—The status of inline power. The status conditions are:
    • Enabled.
    • Disabled.
  • Firmware status—The operational status of the slot. The status conditions are:
    • Operational.
    • Not operational.
    • Disabled.
    • Subsystem failure.
    • Card not present.
    • Slot disabled.
  • Budgeted power—The amount of power, in watts, that is available to the slot.
  • Measured power—The amount of power, in watts, that currently being used by the slot.

On a stack, if you do not specify a slot number, the command operates on all active nodes. This command operates only on nodes in the active topology.

Using the fast option of this command shows the slot-level fast PoE information. It shows the last fast PoE boot result. It also shows the slot-level PoE configurations saved in hardware along with the ones currently configured so that you can see any mismatches. If the default configuration file has never been saved in this boot session, the hardware configurations shown in this command are the initial running configurations from hardware at boot time. If the default configuration file has been saved in this boot session (by save configuration), the hardware configurations shown in this command are the last configurations saved to hardware.


The following command displays inline power information for node (slot) 3 on a SummitStack:

# show inline-power slot 3
Inline Power System Information
Configured                 : Enabled
System Power Surplus       : 1500 Watts available for budgeting
Redundant Power Surplus    :  465 Watts available for budgeting to maintain N+1
Power Usage Threshold      : 70 percent (per slot)
Disconnect Precedence      : lowest-priority
Legacy Mode                : Disabled
Budgeted       Measured
Slot  Inline-Power  Firmware Status    Power (Watts)  Power (Watts)
3     Enabled       Operational          50 W           9 W
4     Enabled       Card Not Present   ( 50 W)          n/a
7     Enabled       Operational          50 W           0 W
Note: A budget value in parentheses is not allocated from the system power

The following example shows fast PoE status on a stack:

# show inline-power fast
Slot   State   Enable     Disconnect        Last Fast Boot Status
----   -----   --------   ---------------   -------------------------
1      HW      Enabled    Deny-port         Succeeded
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
3      HW      Disabled   Deny-port         Disabled
       Cfg     Disabled   Deny-port
4      HW      Enabled    Lowest-priority   Mismatch
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
5      HW      Enabled    Deny-port         Failed (Query failed)
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
6      HW      Enabled    Deny-port         Failed (Firmware upgrade)
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
7      HW      Enabled    Deny-port         Failed (In reset)
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
8      HW      Enabled    Deny-port         Failed (Invalid config)
       Cfg     Enabled    Deny-port
State: (HW) Hardware state per-slot, (Cfg) Configured state per-slot.
Fast Boot Status:
  Succeeded - Fast PoE boot succeeded and configuration matches.
  Disabled  - Fast PoE was disabled in hardware at boot time.
  Mismatch  - Fast PoE booted but the configuration in hardware
              did not match the configuration file.
  Failed    - Fast PoE boot failed and PoE was reset.

The following example shows perpetual PoE status on slot 3:

# show inline-power perpetual on slot 3
Perpetual POE is Enabled


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.1.

The fast and perpetual PoE options were added in ExtremeXOS 30.3.

Platform Availability

It is available on SummitStack when the stack contains switches listed in Extreme Networks PoE Devices.