show vlan l2pt

show [vlan | vman] vlan_name {ports port_list} l2pt {detail}


Displays the L2PT configuration and status of a service.

Syntax Description

vlan Displays VLAN configuration.
vman Displays VMAN configuration.
vlan_name Specifies a VLAN name.
ports port_list Displays the ports and port list separated by a comma ( , ) or dash ( - ).
detail Displays the L2PT configuration and status in detail.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the L2PT configuration and status of a service.


The following is an example of the show vman ports l2pt command:

# show vman cust2 ports 1:2,1:7 l2pt 

Interface        L2PT Profile Name
---------------  --------------------------------
1:2              my_l2pt_prof
1:7              (none)

The following example illustrates the show vman l2pt ports detail command:

show l2vpn vpls cust1 l2pt
Interface        L2PT Profile Name
---------------  --------------------------------  my_other_l2pt_prof
# show vman cust2 ports 1:2,1:7 l2pt
Interface        L2PT Profile Name
---------------  --------------------------------
1:2              my_l2pt_prof
1:7              (none)
# show vman cust2 ports 1:2,1:7 l2pt detail
Port 1:2
    L2PT Profile Name      : my_l2pt_profile

    Protocol Filter Name   : filter1
        Destination Address: 01:80:C2:00:00:02
        Protocol Id Type   : etype
        Protocol Id Value  : 0x8902
        Field Offset       : 14
        Field Value        : 03
        Field Mask         : FF
        Action             : Tunnel
        CoS                : Default
        DSCP               : 50
        DSCP Replace       : Yes
        Packets Transmitted: 2300
        Packets Received   : 2300

    Protocol Filter Name   : filter2
        Destination Address: 01:80:C2:00:00:00
        Protocol Id Type   : snap
        Protocol Id Value  : 0x4041
        Field Offset       :
        Field Value        :
        Field Mask         :
        Action             : Tunnel
        CoS                : 7
        DSCP               : 50
        DSCP Replace       : Yes
        Packets Transmitted: 500
        Packets Received   : 500
Port 1:7
    L2PT Profile Name      : (none)


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 15.5.

Support for DSCP was introduced in ExtremeXOS 31.3.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching 5320, 5420, 5520, and 5720 series switches.