configure ports
configure ports {group}
port_group [[ add | delete ] port_list ]
Creates or deletes a generic port-group name that can be associated with a list of ports.
Syntax Description
group | Named list of ports. |
port_group | Port group name. |
add | Add ports to port group. |
delete | Delete ports from port group. |
port_list | Specifies a port list. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to add or delete a generic port-group name to a list of

Because port-groups may be configured for multiple applications, no check is done other than that the values entered are ports. Individual applications handle illegal actions on ports as necessary.Example
configure ports group testGroup add 1-5 configure ports testGroup delete 3
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 16.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.