configure qosprofile
Modifies the default egress QoS profile parameters.
Syntax Description
minbw | The minimum bandwidth (minbw) option specifies the committed information rate as a percentage of the maximum port speed. The range is 0 to 100%, and the default value is 0. When autonegotiation is off, the CIR is the specified percentage of the configured port speed. When autonegotiation is on, the CIR is the specified percentage of the maximum port speed. |
maxbw | The maximum bandwidth (maxbw) option specifies the peak rate as a percentage of the maximum port speed. The range is 0 to 100%, and the default value is 100. When autonegotiation is off, the peak rate is the specified percentage of the configured port speed. When autonegotiation is on, the peak rate is the specified percentage of the maximum port speed (the switch does not detect the negotiated port speed). |
peak_rate | Specifies a peak rate in Kbps (k) bits or Mbps (m). |
committed_rate | Specifies a committed information rate in Kbps (k) bits or Mbps (m). |
port_list | Specifies a list of slots and ports to which the parameters apply. Specify ports in the following formats: 3-5, 2:5, 2:6-2:8. |
buffer_percentage | When used without a port-list,
specifies the percentage of the total buffer you are reserving for
this QoS profile on all ports for which an override has not been
configured. The range is 1 to 100; the default setting is 100. When used with a port-list, specifies a percentage override of the maxbuffer setting for the QoS profile specified. The range is 1-10000; the default is 100 (i.e., no override). Setting 100% is equivalent to unconfiguring the maxbuffer override. |
qosprofile | Specifies a QoS profile name. |
use-strict-priority | When the global qosscheduler configuration (configure qosscheduler command) is set to weighted-round-robin, this option overrides the global configuration for the specified QoS profile, so that it operates in strict-priority-mode. This enables hybrid strict-priority and weighted-round-robin scheduling operation. |
weight-value | Specifies the weight value
used for queue service weighting in the weighted-round-robin
scheduler for this QoS profile. Range is 1-15 or 1-127 depending on
hardware type. 0=strict-priority. Default is 1. This command enables the user to input a weight for queues in the weighted-round-robin scheduler or weighted-deficit-round-robin scheduler. The weight of both WRR and WDRR algorithms have been extended to 1-127. |
ports | Port list for maxbuffer and per-port weight override. |
port_list | Port list. |
port_group | Port group name. |
all | Specifies this applies to all ports on the device. |
- QoS profiles—QP1 and QP8 on SummitStack and Summit family switches
- Minimum bandwidth—0%
- Maximum bandwidth—100%
- Maximum buffer—100%
- Maxbuffer override—100% (no override)
- Weight—1
- Priority—By default, each qosprofile is assigned a different
priority level:
- QP1 - 1, Low (the lowest priority)
- QP2 - 2, LowHi
- QP3 - 3, Normal
- QP4 - 4, NormalHi
- QP5 - 5, Medium
- QP6 - 6, MediumHi
- QP7 - 7, High
- QP8 - 8, HighHi (highest priority)
Usage Guidelines

You can view the effect of setting the buffer-percentage using the show ports port-list buffer command.
You can view the configured buffer-percentage value using the show qosprofile or show qosprofile ports port-list commands, respectively.- An absolute percentage of the total maximum link speed, regardless of the currently configured or negotiated speed, OR
- An absolute peak rate in Mbps or Kbps.
QoS profiles QP1 and QP8 are preconfigured. If you want to use a QoS profile in the range of QP2 through QP7, you must first create the QoS profile. QoS profile QP7 is reserved on SummitStack for stack management and cannot be created or modified.
When specified without a port-list, the maxbuffer parameter can configure a reduction in the maximum amount of packet buffer space allotted to the specified QoS profile. If you reduce the allotment below the default value of 100%, the reduction releases packet buffer space to the shared packet buffer. Regardless of the setting for this parameter, the system does not drop any packets as long as reserved packet buffer memory for the port and QOS profile or shared packet memory for the port remains available.

The configuration defined by the maxbuffer attribute in this command can be overridden on a per-port basis if the port is specified along with the maxbuffer parameter.When specified with a port-list, the maxbuffer setting overrides the system-wide reduction of packet buffer reservation set with the configure qosprofile maxbuffer command for the specified QoS profile. If the packet buffer reservation is reduced to 75 percent for the entire QoS profile, the specified ports are allotted 75% of the allotment for the specified QoS profile. If for specified ports the maxbuffer is set to 200 percent, the packet buffer reservation will be set to 200 percent of the normal packet buffer reservation for those ports, thus overriding the maxbuffer percentage set for the QoS profile.

The packet buffer configuration feature is provided for expert users who fully understand the impact of buffer configuration changes. Improper buffer configuration can stop traffic flow through QoS profiles and ports for which no direct configuration change was made.A range of ports has its own packet buffer pool. The maxbuffer override capability allows you to overcommit the packet buffer pool for the port range. When a packet buffer pool is overcommitted by more than 20%, the following message appears in the system log:
Warning: Packet memory is overcommitted by <percentage> for ports in range <port-range>
It is also possible to configure maxbuffer overrides such that the size of the shared portion of the buffer pool is reduced to zero. If some port and QoS profile in the port range for that buffer pool does not have sufficient reserved packet memory to accommodate larger packets, it will be impossible for that port and QoS profile to transmit any packets of the larger size. In this case, the following message appears in the system log:
Warning: At least one port and QoS profile in port range <port-range> cannot transmit packets larger than <packet-size> because of packet memory configuration.
The weight-value parameter does not apply when the switch is configured for strict priority scheduling, which is the default configuration. To configure the type of scheduling you want to use for the entire switch, use the configure qosscheduler command.
The weight-value parameter configures the relative weighting for each QoS profile. Because each QoS profile has a default weight of 1, all QoS profiles have equal weighting. If you configure a QoS profile with a weight of 4, that specified QoS profile is serviced 4 times as frequently as the remaining QoS profiles, which still have a weight of 1. If you configure all QoS profiles with a weight of 16, each QoS profile is serviced equally but for a longer period.
When the switch is configured for weighted-round-robin mode, the use-strict-priority option overrides the switch configuration for the specified QoS profile on all ports. Among QoS profiles configured with the use-strict-priority-option, QoS profile QP8 has the highest priority and QP1 has the lowest priority. All strict-priority QoS profiles are serviced first according to their priority level, and then all other QoS profiles are serviced based on their configured weight.

If you specify use-strict-priority, lower-priority queues and weighted-round-robin queues are not serviced at all as long as higher-priority queues have any remaining packets.Example
configure qosprofile qp1 maxbuffer 75 port 1:1
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
Committed and peak rates were added in ExtremeXOS 11.0. Also in ExtremeXOS 11.0, ports were made mandatory.
Support for all platforms was added in the respective platform introduction releases.
The use-strict-priority option was added in ExtremeXOS 12.3.
The ability to configure a maxbuffer override was added in ExtremeXOS 12.5.
The port_group variable was added in ExtremeXOS 16.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms with specific parameter exceptions as noted in the Syntax Description above.