configure vpls health-check vccv

This command has been replaced with the following command: configure l2vpn [vpls [vpls_name | all] | vpws [vpws_name | all]] health-check vccv {intervalinterval_seconds} {fault-multiplierfault_multiplier_number} .
This command is still supported for backward compatibility, but it will be removed from a future release, so we recommend that you start using the new command.
Configures the VCCV health check test and fault notification intervals for the specified VPLS instance.
Syntax Description
vpls_name |
Identifies the VPLS instance for which health check is to be configured. |
all |
Specifies that the configuration applies to all VPLS instances on the local node. |
interval_seconds |
Defines the interval between health check tests. The range is 1 to 10 seconds. |
fault_multiplier_ number |
Specifies how long health check waits before a warning level message is logged. The wait period is the interval_seconds multiplied by the fault_multiplier_number. The fault_multiplier_number range is 2 to 6. |
Interval is 5 seconds.
Fault mulitplier is 4.
Usage Guidelines
The VCCV health-check configuration parameters can be configured at anytime after the VPLS has been created.
The show l2vpn {vpls {{vpls_name} | vpws {{vpws_name}} {peeripaddress} {detail} | summary} command displays the configured interval_seconds and fault-multiplier_number values for the VPLS and the VCCV activity state.
The following command configures the health check feature on the VPLS instance myvpls:
configure vpls myvpls health-check vccv interval 10 fault-notification 40
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available only on the platforms that support MPLS as described in the Feature License Requirements document.