show bgp neighbor [flap-statistics | suppressed-routes]
For IPv4 and IPv6 address families:
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr {address-family [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast |ipv6-unicast | ipv6-multicast]} [flap-statistics | suppressed-routes] {detail} [all | as-path path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number community-number | autonomous-system-id : bgp-community] | network [any / netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter] {exact}]For the VPNv4 address family:
show bgp {neighbor} remoteaddr address-family vpnv4 [flap-statistics | suppressed-routes] {detail} [all | as-path path-expression | community [no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed | number community-number | autonomous-system-id : bgp-community] | rd rd_value network [any / netMaskLen | networkPrefixFilter] {exact}]Description
Displays flap statistics or suppressed-route information about a specified neighbor.
Syntax Description
remoteaddr | Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address that identifies a BGP neighbor. |
ipv4-unicast | Specifies the IPv4 unicast address family. |
ipv4-multicast | Specifies an IPv4 multicast address family. |
ipv6-unicast | Specifies the IPv6 unicast address family. |
ipv6-multicast | Specifies an IPv6 multicast address family. |
vpnv4 | Specifies the VPNv4 address family for Layer 3 VPN support. |
flap-statistics | Specifies that only flap-statistics should be displayed (for route flap dampening enabled routes). |
suppressed-routes | Specifies that only suppressed routes should be displayed (for route flap dampening enabled routes). |
detail | Specifies to display the information in detailed format. |
all | Specifies all routes. |
path-expression | Display routes that match the specified AA path expression. |
no-advertise | Specifies the no-advertise community attribute. |
no-export | Specifies the no-export community attribute. |
no-export-subconfed | Specifies the no-export-subconfed community attribute. |
community_number | Specifies a community number. |
autonomous-system-id | Specifies an autonomous system ID (0-65535). |
bgp-community | Specifies the BGP community number. |
rd | Specifies the Route Distinquisher (RD) value for the Layer 3 VPN routes for which you want to clear flap statistics. |
any | Specifies all routes with a given or larger mask length. |
netMaskLen | Specifies a IPv4 or IPv6 subnet mask length (number of bits). |
networkPrefixFilter | Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address and netmask. |
exact | Specifies an exact match with the IP address and subnet mask. |
If no address family is specified, IPv4 unicast is the default.
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the current VR or VRF context.

If this command displays Bad Source Address, the BGP neighbor IP address is unavailable. Possible causes for this condition include a deleted or unconfigured VLAN or IP address.
The option network any / netMaskLen displays all BGP routes whose mask length is equal to or greater than maskLength, irrespective of their network address.
The option network any / netMaskLen exact displays all BGP routes whose mask length is exactly equal to maskLength, irrespective of their network address.
If you do not specify an address family, this command applies to the IPv4 unicast address family. To apply this command to an address family other than the IPv4 unicast address family, you must specify the address family.

For an IPv6 peer, an IPv6 address family must be specified, because an IPv6 peer does not support IPv4 address families. If no address family is specified for an IPv6 peer, the default, the IPv4 unicast address family, applies and no address-family information appears. Similarly an IPv4 peer only supports IPv4 address families and no address-family information appears if an IPv6 address family is specified.
To display Layer 3 VPN information, you must enter this command in the context of on the MPLS-enabled VR; it is not supported for BGP neighbors on the CE (VRF) side of the PE router.
The following command displays flap statistics for the specified IPv4 neighbor:
* Switch.18 # show bgp neighbor flap-statistics BGP Routes Flap Statistics Destination NextHop Penalty Flaps Duration Reuse AS-Path ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ?100:1: 100 100 Flags: (*) Preferred BGP route, (>) Active, (d) Suppressed, (h) History (s) Stale, (m) Multipath, (u) Unfeasible Origin: (?) Incomplete, (e) EGP, (i) IGP Total Number of Flapped Routes: 1
The following command displays flap statistics for the specified IPv6 neighbor:
* Switch.21 # show bgp neighbor 2001::64:: address-family ipv6-unicast flap-statistics BGP Routes Flap Statistics Destination NextHop Penalty Flaps Duration Reuse AS-Path ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ?2001::/64 3001::1 100 100 Flags: (*) Preferred BGP route, (>) Active, (d) Suppressed, (h) History (s) Stale, (m) Multipath, (u) Unfeasible Origin: (?) Incomplete, (e) EGP, (i) IGP Total Number of Flapped Routes: 1
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
The any / netMaskLen options were added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.
This command required a specific license in ExtremeXOS 11.1.
Support for IPv6 was added in ExtremeXOS 12.6 BGP.
Support for Layer 3 VPNs was added in ExtremeXOS 15.3.
Platform Availability
This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the BGP feature, see the Feature License Requirements document.