show log
Displays the current log messages.
Syntax Description
messages | Specifies the target location from which to display the log messages. |
memory-buffer | Show messages stored in volatile memory (default). |
nvram | Show messages stored in NVRAM. |
events | Show event messages. |
event-condition | Specifies the event condition to display. |
event-component | Specifies the event component to display. |
severity | Specifies the minimum severity level to display (if the keyword only is omitted). |
only | Specifies that only the specified severity level is to be displayed |
starting | Show messages with timestamps equal to or greater than that specified |
date | Specifies the date, where date is month (1-12) / day (1-31) {/ year (yyyy)}. |
time | Specifies the time, where time is hour (0-23) {: minute (0-59) {: seconds (0-59) {. hundredths}}}. |
ending | Show messages with timestamps equal to or less than that specified. |
regex | Specifies a regular expression. Only messages that match the regular expression will be displayed. |
chronological | Specifies displaying log messages in ascending chronological order (oldest to newest). |
- messages—memory buffer.
- event—no restriction (displays user-specified event).
- severity—none (displays everything stored in the target).
- starting, ending—if not specified, no timestamp restriction.
- match—no restriction.
- chronological—if not specified, show messages in order from newest to oldest.
Usage Guidelines
- Timestamp—records the month and day of the event, along with the time (hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths).
- Severity Level—indicates the urgency of a condition reported in the log. Severity Levels Assigned by the SwitchTable describes the severity levels assigned to events.
- Component, Subcomponent, and Condition Name—describes the subsystem in the software that generates the event. This provides a good indication of where a fault might lie.
- Message—a description of the event occurrence. If the event was caused by a user, the user name is also provided.
This command displays the messages stored in either the internal memory buffer or in NVRAM. The messages shown can be limited by specifying a severity level, a time range, or a match expression. Messages stored in the target have already been filtered as events occurred, and specifying a severity or match expression on the show log command can only further limit the messages shown.
If the messages keyword is not present, the messages stored in the memory-buffer target are displayed. Otherwise, the messages stored in the specified target are displayed.
If the only keyword is present following the severity value, then only the events at that exact severity are included. Without the only keyword, events at that severity or more urgent are displayed. For example, severity warning implies critical, error, or warning, whereas severity warning only implies only warning.
Messages whose timestamps are equal or later than the starting time and are equal or earlier than the specified ending time will be shown if they also pass the severity requirements and match expression, if specified.
If a match phrase is specified, the formatted message must match the simple regular expression specified by match-expression for it to be shown.
A simple regular expression is a string of single characters including the dot character (.), which are optionally combined with quantifiers and constraints. A dot matches any single character while other characters match only themselves (case is significant). Quantifiers include the star character (*) that matches zero or more occurrences of the immediately preceding character or dot. Constraints include the caret character (^) that matches at the beginning of a message, and the currency character ($) that matches at the end of a message. Bracket expressions are not supported. There are a number of sources available on the Internet and in various language references describing the operation of regular expressions.
If the chronological keyword is specified, messages are shown from oldest to newest; otherwise, messages are displayed newest to oldest.
Severity Level
- Critical—Crit.
- Error—Erro.
- Warning—Warn.
- Notice—Noti.
- Info—Info.
- Debug-Summary—Summ.
- Debug-Verbose—Verb.
- Debug-Data—Data.
Severity Levels Assigned by the Switch
Level | Description |
Critical | A serious problem has been detected that is compromising the operation of the system and that the system cannot function as expected unless the situation is remedied. The switch may need to be reset. |
Error | A problem has been detected that is interfering with the normal operation of the system and that the system is not functioning as expected. |
Warning | An abnormal condition, not interfering with the normal operation of the system, has been detected that may indicate that the system or the network in general may not be functioning as expected. |
Notice | A normal but significant condition has been detected, which signals that the system is functioning as expected. |
Info (Informational) | A normal but potentially interesting condition has been detected, which signals that the system is functioning as expected and simply provides information or confirmation about the condition. |
Debug-Summary | A condition has been detected that may interest a developer determining the reason underlying some system behavior. |
Debug-Verbose | A condition has been detected that may interest a developer analyzing some system behavior at a more verbose level than provided by the debug summary information. |
Debug-Data | A condition has been detected that may interest a developer inspecting the data underlying some system behavior. |
Messages stored in NVRAM are in encoded format. To restore the ASCII text of a message, the version of ExtremeXOS loaded must be able to interpret the data written prior to reboot. When the encoded format for a particular message cannot be interpreted by the version of ExtremeXOS currently loaded, the messages are displayed in the following format:
03/21/2005 17:15:37.36 : NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "epm" v24.2 DUMP-10: 00 14 C3 C1 00 11 00 1C 01 FF 00 08 65 70 6D 00 '............epm.' DUMP-20: 08 FF 00 0C 00 18 00 02 65 70 6D 00 '........epm.'
Log entries remain in the NVRAM log after a switch reboot. Issuing a clear log command does not remove these static entries. To remove log entries from NVRAM, use the following command:
clear log messages nvramExample
The following command displays messages with a critical severity:
show log severity critical
The following command displays messages with warning, error, or critical severity:
show log severity warning
The following is sample output from a switch:
11/12/2004 00:38:10.30 <Warn:dm.Warn> MSM-A: Insufficient Power to power-on Slot-7 11/12/2004 00:38:08.77 <Warn:dm.Warn> MSM-A: Slot-7 being Powered OFF due to insuf ficient power 11/12/2004 00:36:23.77 <Warn:dm.Warn> MSM-A: Slot-7 being Powered OFF due to insuf ficient power ... A total of 83 log messages were displayed.
The following command displays messages containing the string "slot 2":
show log match "slot 2"
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.