download image
Downloads a new version of the ExtremeXOS software image.
The image file can be downloaded using TFTP (which is not a secure method), or SFTP and SCP2 (which are secure methods). The procedure using TFTP begins above and using SFTP/SCP2.
Syntax Description
url | Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of image, xmod or flat-text list of files with suffix '.lst'. |
url | Image, xmod, or file list. e.g. http://ipaddress/path.xos or ftp://ipaddress:port/ path.xmod or ftp://ipaddress/some_list.lst. |
active | Specifies automatic determination for active (primary) partition. |
inactive | Specifies automatic determination for inactive (secondary) partition. |
hostname | Specifies the hostname of the TFTP server from which the image should be obtained. |
ipaddress | Specifies the IP address of TFTP server from which the image should be obtained. |
memorycard | Specifies that the image should be obtained from a removable storage device, which can be a compact flash card or a USB 2.0 storage device. |
filename | Specifies the filename of the new image. |
vrname | Specifies the name of the
virtual router. Note: User-created VRs are
supported only on the platforms listed for this feature in the Feature License Requirements document.
block_size | Specifies the maximum block size, not including the TFTP header. The range is 24–65000 bytes. |
partition | Specifies which partition the image should be saved to: primary or secondary. Select primary to save the image to the primary partition and secondary to save the image to the secondary partition. |
Stores the downloaded image in the alternate (inactive) partition.
SFTP and SCP2 provide secure methods of downloading the ExtremeXOS software image files, *.xos or *.xmod. You can use one of three procedures:
- From the switch, running the command SCP2. connect to and “get” from a remote server. This is similar to the download image command.
- From outside the switch, connect to the switch that is
acting as the server and “put” from the remote server. There is no TFTP
equivalent for this method.
- Using SFTP
- Using SCP2
If you do not specify block size, the default value is 1400 bytes.
Usage Guidelines
Prior to downloading an image on the switch, you must download the image you received from Extreme Networks to a TFTP server on your network. If your switch has a removable storage device, you can also download the image to that device.

Unlike ExtremeWare, the download image command in ExtremeXOS causes the switch to use the newly downloaded software image during the next switch reboot. To modify or reset the software image used during a switch reboot, use the use image command. Use this command after downloading and installing the image for it to be effective.Specify the ipaddress or hostname parameters to download an image from a TFTP server on the network. Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
Specify memorycard to download a an image from a removable storage device. Use a PC with appropriate hardware such as a compact flash reader/writer and follow the manufacturer‘s instructions to access the compact flash card and place the image onto the card. For more information about installing a removable storage device, see the hardware documentation.
Core Software Images
A switch can store up to two core images: an active and inactive. When downloading a new image, you must select on which partition to install the new image. You must install the software image to the inactive partition, and must specify that partition while downloading the image to the switch.
Image Filenames
The software image file can be an .xos file, which contains an ExtremeXOS core image, or an .xmod file, which contains an ExtremeXOS modular software package.
- tftp://
- aspen, summit480 –image file size issues
- ssh installs with ExtremeXOS
- Customer files ending in '.cfg', '.xsf', '.pol', '.xlic', '.py', '.ssh'
- Other bundling that makes it easier to download with a single command
You can identify the appropriate image or module for your platform based on the filename of the image. The Summit family uses the summitX- filename prefix.
For additional installation requirements see the sections, Installing a Core Image and Installing a Modular Software Package.
Displaying the Software Image Versions
To display the software image version running on the switch, use the show version or show switch commands.
Host Name and Remote IP Address Character Restrictions
This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for host names and remote IP addresses.
- Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
- Numerals (0-9)
- Period ( . )
- Dash ( - ) Permitted only for host names
- Underscore ( _ ) Permitted only for host names
- Colon ( : )
When naming or configuring an IP address for your network server, remember the requirements listed above.
Local and Remote Filename Character Restrictions
This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for local and remote filenames.
- Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
- Numerals (0-9)
- Period ( . )
- Dash ( - )
- Underscore ( _ )
- Slash ( / ) Permitted only for remote files
When naming a local or remote file, remember the requirements listed above.
Messages Displayed by the Switch
When you download a new image, you will see the following message:
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no, <cr> - cancel)
- Enter y if you want to install the image after download.
- Enter n if you want to install the image at a later time.
- Press [Enter] if you want to cancel the download.
The Image Integrity Check feature was added in ExtremeXOS 16.1. The CLI output of this command is modified:
- If the signature is verified and there is no error, therre is no change to the output.
- If the downloaded image does not have a signature, the
following messages are added. This is considered as a warning, since it could be
simply a downgrading. The user is given the choice to continue or quit the
Warning: Signature Validation - Image is not digitally signed. Do you want to continue? (y/N)
If the user decides to continue, then it follows the normal installation path; if the user decides to stop here, the following message is printed and then the installation is canceled.
Installation cancelled
- If the certificate (keys) to verify the image is missing,
the following messages are added. This is considered as a non-fatal and rare
error, digital signature verification is bypassed. The user is given the choice
to continue or quit the installation.
Warning: Signature Validation - Certificates missing; Image signature validation will be bypassed. Do you want to continue? (y/N)
If the user decides to continue, then it follows the normal installation path; if the user decides to stop here, the following message is printed and then the installation is canceled.
Installation cancelled
- If the certificate (keys) itself cannot be verified, the
following messages are added. This is STILL considered as a non-fatal and rare
error, digital signature verification is bypassed. The user is given the choice
to continue or quit the installation.
Warning: Signature Validation - Certificates verification failed; Image signature validation will be bypassed. Do you want to continue? (y/N)
If the user decides to continue, then it follows normal installation path; if the user decides to stop here, the following message is printed and then the installation is canceled.
Installation cancelled
- If the image digital signature validation fails, the
following message is added as a new reason why download fails. This is
considered a fatal error like a CRC check failure, installation is terminated
Error: Failed to download image - Error: Image signature cannot be validated.
Core Dump Messages
If you configure the switch to write core dump (debug) files to the internal memory card and attempt to download a new software image, you might have insufficient space to complete the image download.
If this occurs, move or delete the core dump files from the internal memory. For example, if the switch supports a compact flash card or USB 2.0 storage device and space is available, transfer the files to the storage device. On switches without removable storage devices, transfer the files from the internal memory card to a TFTP server. This frees up space on the internal memory card while keeping the core dump files.
The switch displays a message similar to the following and prompts you to take action:
Core dumps are present in internal-memory and must be removed before this download can continue. (Please refer to documentation for the “configure debug core-dumps” command for additional information) Do you want to continue with download and remove existing core dumps? (y/n)
Enter y to remove the core dump files and download the new software image. Enter n to cancel this action and transfer the files before downloading the image.
For information about configuring and sending core dump information, see the configure debug core-dumps and save debug tracefiles memorycard commands.
SummitStack Only
You can issue this command only from the Master node.
If a slot is not specified, the image is downloaded to every node in the Active Topology. If a slot is specified, the image is downloaded to that slot only.
If all nodes to be downloaded are not running the same partition, the command is not executed and following message is displayed:
Error: all nodes do not have the same image partition selected.
If all nodes to be downloaded have the same partition selected but the EXOS is currently running from the selected partition, the command is not executed and the following message is displayed:
Error: the image partition selected must not be the active partition.
Downloading a New Image
The ExtremeXOS 22.1 User Guide provides detailed steps for upgrading .xos and .xmod images. Refer to the Software Upgrade and Boot Options chapter for more information.
The following example shows how the .lst file can contain filenames ending in .lst to get a list of lists (of lists etc?) from an HTTP server on port 8080 for directory 16.1/cougar/cougar/release:
- xos.lst
- xmod.lsts
- cript.lst
- summitX-
- summitX-
- summitX-
- summitX-
- summitX-
- summitX-
A single download command downloads all of the above files.
(pacman debug) X460G2-24t-10G4.1 # download url Downloading Downloading to Switch............................................. Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch............................................. Image installed successfully This image will be used only after rebooting the switch! Image installed successfully Downloading Downloading to Switch..... Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch.............................................. Image installed successfully Downloading Downloading to Switch Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch... Image installed successfully Downloading Downloading to Switch.. Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch........................ Legacy CLI framework was Successfully Installed !!! Image installed successfully Downloading Downloading to Switch... Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch.... Image installed successfully Downloading Downloading to Switch.. Installing to primary partition! Installing to Switch.. Image installed successfully (pacman debug) X460G2-24t-10G4.2 #
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
The memorycard option was added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.
Support for USB 2.0 storage devices was added in ExtremeXOS 12.5.3.
Block size support was added in ExtremeXOS 15.7.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.