configure vm-tracking blackhole
Specifies a policy file or dynamic ACL rule to apply to VMs during periods that are outside of the approved time slot for that VM.
Syntax Description
policy_name | Specifies the name of a policy file to apply to the VM authentication request. |
rule_name | Specifies the name of an ACL rule to apply to the VM authentication request. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is not supported in this software release. It will be supported in a future release.
The none option applies no policy name or ACL rule during periods that are outside of the approved time slot for that VM.

This command is provided to support future identity management features. It serves no practical purpose in this release.Example
The following command applies no policy name or ACL rule during periods that are outside of the authorized authentication period:
configure vm-tracking blackhole none
This command was first visible in ExtremeXOS 12.5, but it is not supported in this release. This command will be supported in a future release.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.