Generates certificate signing request (CSR) and private key.
There can only be one CSR per switch.Note
Due to changes in the Distinguished Name (DN), you are prompted to provide country, organization, and common name to ensure backward compatibility.The following example creates a CSR with a private key length of 2,048, country is USA, organization is "EXTR", and the common name is "test":
# configure ssl csr privkeylen 2048 country US organization EXTR common-name test You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. For some fields there will be a default value in []. If you enter '.' the field will be left blank. ----- State or Province Name (full name) []: North Carolina Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: Raleigh Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: RDU Email Address []: .................................................+++ .................+++ CSR and Key Pair generated. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIC3TCCAcUCAQIwgZcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQ0wCwYDVQQKDARFWFRSMREwDwYD VQQDDAhjc3JfdGVzdDEXMBUGA1UECAwOTm9ydGggQ2Fyb2xpbmExEDAOBgNVBAcM B1JhbGVpZ2gxDDAKBgNVBAsMA1JEVTEtMCsGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYebHBldHR5am9o bkBleHRyZW1lbmV0d29ya3MuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB CgKCAQEAm43c60n1XXkk1MMvK+ovX8fAhWRu8j7TAKGrSENqEhmS0BI05bjZLsj/ 1oulgsPXQAl7W401OOMt5w9zcMCNmSf47PJwpQZpo4msAW8uSp7IMM9Ctv0a8oLr kArzh3F+Gp0cAe7LycOthiXINKKWmzWpNwHmGbrwAhbd3grShurvUU7n0b+lXcle YH5J/HnGq+j6Lb+iNF2RbCactChF0aeT7DKXZaIt8s+p9ib3XQXUNvGoP+4M/Eoq dHfOwpvBJeL3EyhjkEmz456nwdtsY8deNi/ssW+VJJWpGPONNLo+l1wD7BksCPtJ Pf20atDCFj6bFAo6N9gbdkh1dI3euwIDAQABoAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQENBQADggEB AIkoEBWhrPmL4tf0KSgKeadfODJ6Nipkcyof9YZ9AceJhtgMmBFmMfcUrE+3e28j asXQpEc5hLkc8fyRMNjDHuuz2d6uWju+K/TqVNTo94bvbvySFsdBKjLcOADlRP0m CIMCCiAiaFhtmLE5Sg6BoYctJ2jRNJ4UQOejeclcG80+qaXu6u7xAg5emGMtJizE bvePhgSdhYTCFGnqFrg3pZXHHTvRB7t54oYGG7yYdFb3jyW8CzckxnkiTV87fxHP ojUeAwXet1AfI8coflDfmf6gKnBLMzzr5DMDmqdJgE2HgLLZCLv+JZbjbmowLrDL DhG3F97QQkwROTpJfmrSsaU= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- Warning: SSL Certificate and Key will not match now. Please load new CA signed certificate. New Key will be usable after restart of thttpd process. Storing the private key. This may take some time. .Done
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.3.