Configure a Global I-SID Name
Use this procedure to provide a descriptive name for the Service Identifier (I-SID).

Product Notice: This procedure does not apply to VSP 8600 Series.
You can configure a service name for I-SIDs, loopback interfaces, and static routes. You can configure the service name can before or after you create the I-SID for the following services:
- Layer 2 VSN
- Layer 3 VSN
- ELAN I-SID or Switched UNI I-SID
- ELAN transparent I-SID or Transparent UNI I-SID
- IPv4 and IPv6 static routes
- IPv4 and IPv6 loopback CLIP interface

The service name for I-SIDs does not support the following special characters: “ ” # $ % ‘ / [ \ ] ^ { | } ~ @.
By default, the service name is ISID-x, where x correlates to the I-SID number of the service.

Product Notice: For XA1400 Series, you can configure a service name for IPv4 static routes and IPv4 loopback CLIP interfaces only.
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#configure terminal Switch:1(config)#i-sid name 1 ExtremeServer1 Switch:1(config)#i-sid name 20 ExtremeServer7
View the configured I-SID names:
Switch:1(config)#show i-sid name ========================================================================= I-SID Name ========================================================================= I-SID I-SID NAME TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ExtremeServer1 adminName 2 ExtremeServer2 adminName 3 ExtremeServer3 config adminName 4 ISID-4 config 23 ISID-23 config 25 ExtremeServer4 config adminName Total number of I-SID Name entries: 6.
View the configured I-SID by number:
Switch:1#show i-sid name 1
I-SID Name
1 ExtremeServer1 adminName
Switch:1#show i-sid name 20
I-SID Name
20 ExtremeServer7 adminName
Variable Definitions
Use the data in the following table to use the i-sid name command.
Variable |
Value |
<1-6777215> |
Specifies the I-SID number. |
WORD<1-64> Note:
This parameter does not apply to all hardware platforms. |
Specifies the name of the I-SID. The I-SID can be named before or after the I-SID is created. By default, for an I-SID in use, the service is named ISID-x, where x correlates to the I-SID number of the service. |