Use the following procedure to run the quick-config-mgmt utility script to ease the transition to the Segmented Management Instance.
XA1400 Series does not support the OOB Management Instance.
Product Notice: quick-config-mgmt is not supported on VSP 8600 Series.
The quick-config-mgmt utility recognizes existing configuration. For the OOB Management Instance, you can overwrite the existing configuration only. However, for the VLAN Management Instance, you can overwrite the existing configuration, or you can migrate the existing configuration to a coexistence of IP on both VOSS VLAN and management VLAN.
The quick-config-mgmt utility supports the following:
IPv4 only
only one interface at one time
Out-of-Band mangagement and In-Band VLAN management
You can use this procedure to help you transition to a new Segmented Management Instance. You can configure IPv4, static routes, and DHCP support for the Out-of-Band (OOB) Mangagement Instance or for the In-Band VLAN Management Instance. If configuration exists for the interface type you selected, you are prompted to replace the configured interface or to quit the utility.
If you configure DHCP, any other running DHCP instance is stopped and a new DHCP instance is created on the interface. This might cause loss of conectivity.
The default values are given in square brackets. You can input your values at the prompt or you can press Enter to accept the default values.
configure terminal
If DHCP mode cycle is enabled, the following warning message displays to inform you that DHCP client will be disabled, if you continue.
Continuing will disable dhcp and may affect your connectivity to the DUT. Do you want to continue? y/n [n]:
The following examples show outputs from the quick-config-mgmt utility.
Configure the OOB Mangagement Instance:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: Please enter the Management Address IPv4 address, "d" for DHCP configuration or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Management Address Mask IPv4 address or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Default Gateway Address IPv4 address, for no default gateway, or "q" to quit [] : Management interface created successfully
Replace an existing OOB Mangagement Instance configuration:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: MGMT OOB is already configured. Continuing may remove parts or all of current config. Do you want to continue? y/n [y]: Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: Please enter the Management Address IPv4 address, "d" for DHCP configuration or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Management Address Mask IPv4 address or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Default Gateway Address IPv4 address, for no default gateway, or "q" to quit [] : Management interface created successfully
Configure the In-band port-based VLAN Management Instance by removing parts of or all of the existing VLAN configuration:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: 3 MGMT VLAN is already configured. Continuing may remove parts or all of current config. Do you want to continue? y/n [n]: y Please enter VLAN ID (2-4059) or "q" to quit [4059]: 2 VLAN 2 is already in use. Do you want to re-use existing vlan configuration? y/n/q: [n] This option will remove all current config on VLAN 2. Please enter port to be added to the in-band management VLAN or "q" to quit [1/1]: Please enter the Management Address Mask IPv4 address or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Default Gateway Address IPv4 address, for no default gateway, or "q" to quit [] : Management interface created successfully
Configure the In-band port-based VLAN Management Instance by reusing the existing VLAN configuration:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: 3 MGMT VLAN is already configured. Continuing may remove parts or all of current config. Do you want to continue? y/n [n]: y Please enter VLAN ID (2-4059) or "q" to quit [4059]: 2 VLAN 2 is already in use. Do you want to re-use existing vlan configuration? y/n/q: [y] Please enter port to be appended to the in-band management VLAN or leave empty to keep currently configured ports or "q" to quit []: 1/1 Please enter the Management Address IPv4 address, "d" for DHCP configuration or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Management Address Mask IPv4 address or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Default Gateway Address IPv4 address, for no default gateway, or "q" to quit [] : Management interface created successfully
Configure the In-band port-based VLAN Management Instance by reusing the existing VLAN configuration when IP address is configured and coexistance of mgmt and routing on same VLAN is desired:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: 3 MGMT VLAN is already configured. Continuing may remove parts or all of current config. Do you want to continue? y/n [n]: y Please enter VLAN ID (2-4059) or "q" to quit [4059]: 2 VLAN 2 is already in use. Do you want to re-use existing vlan configuration? y/n/q: [y] Please enter port to be appended to the in-band management VLAN or leave empty to keep currently configured ports or "q" to quit []: 1/1 IP address is already configured on VLAN 2. Do you want to configure co-existence of mgmt and routing on the same vlan? y/n/q: [y] Please enter the Management Address IPv4 address, "d" for DHCP configuration or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Management Address Mask IPv4 address or "q" to quit []: Please enter the Default Gateway Address IPv4 address, for no default gateway, or "q" to quit [] : Management interface created successfully
Configure the In-band port-based VLAN Management Instance by reusing the existing VLAN configuration when IP address is configured but coexistance of mgmt and routing on same VLAN is not desired:
Switch:1(config)#quick-config-mgmt Welcome to the management interface setup utility. You will be requested for information to initially configure the switch. When finished the information will be applied and stored as a part of the configuration. Once the basic parameters are configured, additional configuration can proceed using other management interfaces. Press q to abort at any time. Management interface types: 1 - Out of band management port 3 - In-band port-based VLAN Please enter management interface type or "q" to quit. [1]: 3 MGMT VLAN is already configured. Continuing may remove parts or all of current config. Do you want to continue? y/n [n]: y Please enter VLAN ID (2-4059) or "q" to quit [4059]: 2 VLAN 2 is already in use. Do you want to re-use existing vlan configuration? y/n/q: [y] Please enter port to be appended to the in-band management VLAN or leave empty to keep currently configured ports or "q" to quit []: 1/1 IP address is already configured on VLAN 2. Do you want to configure co-existence of mgmt and routing on the same vlan? y/n/q: [n] Management interface created successfully