Configure Multi-area SPB Layer 2 I-SID Redistribution

This procedure only applies to the VSP 7400 Series.
About this task
Perform this procedure to configure Multi-area SPB layer 2 I-SID redistribution.
Configuring Multi-area SPB layer 2 I-SID redistribution and exclude the I-SID values specified in the I-SID list:
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#configure terminal Switch:1(config)#router isis Switch:1(config-isis)#multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid permit-all except-isid-list testlist Switch:1(config-isis)#show isis multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid ========================================================================= MULTI AREA L2 ISID REDIST POLICY ========================================================================= Permit Except List Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- permit-all testlist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch:1(config-isis)#isis multi-area l2 apply redistribute i-sid
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the multi-area l2 redistribute i-sid command.
Variable | Value |
deny-all |
Denies the Multi-area SPB IPv6 unicast redistribution configuration for the specified I-SID list name. |
except-isid-list WORD<1-32> |
Specifies the name of the I-SID list. |
permit-all |
Permits the Multi-area SPB IPv6 unicast redistribution configuration for the specified I-SID list name. |