Connect the serial console interface (an RJ–45 jack) to a PC or terminal to monitor and configure the switch. The port uses a RJ–45 connector that operates as data terminal equipment (DTE). Some switches also provide a USB port or micro USB port for serial console interface connectivity. See your hardware documentation for available ports.
The default communication protocol settings for the console port are:
Baud rate:
VSP 4450 Series — 9600
VSP 4900 Series — 115200
VSP 7200 Series — 9600
VSP 7400 Series — 115200
VSP 8200 Series — 9600
VSP 8400 Series — 9600
VSP 8600 Series — 115200
XA1400 Series — 115200
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity
No flow control.
To use the console port, you need a terminal or teletypewriter (TTY)-compatible terminal, or a portable computer with a serial port and terminal-emulation software.
Depending on the hardware platform, the console port can display as console port or 10101.