Optionally, filter Layer 2 traffic on a physical Layer 2 interface using MAC addresses. A MAC firewall rule uses source and destination MAC addresses for matching operations, where the result is a typical allow, deny or mark designation to packet traffic.
Once defined, a set of MAC firewall rules must be applied to an interface to be a functional filtering tool.To add or edit a MAC based Firewall Rule policy:
Allow | Every MAC firewall rule is made up
of matching criteria rules. The action defines what to do
with the packet if it matches the specified criteria. The
following actions are supported:
VLAN ID | Enter a VLAN ID representative of the shared SSID each user employs to interoperate within the network (once authenticated by the local RADIUS server). The VLAN ID can be between 1 and 4094. |
Match 802.1P | Configures IP DSCP to 802.1p priority mapping for untagged frames. Use the spinner control to define a setting between 0 - 7. |
Source and Destination MAC | Enter both source and destination MAC addresses. The source MAC address and destination MAC address are used as basic matching criteria. Provide a subnet mask if using a mask. |
Action | The following actions are
Traffic Class | Select this option to enable a spinner control for traffic class prioritization. Devices that originate a packet must identify a class or priority for packets. Devices use the traffic class field in the MAC header to set this priority. |
Ethertype | Use the drop-down menu to specify an Ethertype of either ipv6, arp, wisp, or monitor 8021q. An EtherType is a two-octet field within an Ethernet frame. It is used to indicate which protocol is encapsulated in the payload of an Ethernet frame. |
Precedence | Use the spinner control to specify a precedence for this MAC firewall rule between 1 - 1500. Rules with lower precedence are always applied first to packets. |
Description | Provide a description (up to 64 characters) for the rule to help differentiate it from others with similar configurations. |
Select Reset to revert the screen to its last saved configuration.