To override the device's RF Domain client name
Go to
Configuration → Devices.
Device Configuration screen displays. This
screen lists access points, controllers and service
platforms within the managed network.
Select a
target device by double-clicking on the device name.
You can
also select a target device from the device browser in the
lower, left-hand, side of the UI.
selected device's configuration menu displays.
Got to RF Domain Overrides → Client Name.
The Client Name Configuration screen
Domain Overrides - Client Name Configuration
Either select the +
Add Row button to create a new client configuration or highlight
an existing configuration and select the Delete icon to
remove it.
Enter the client's factory coded MAC address.
Assign a Name to the RF Domain member access point's connected client to
assist in its easy recognition.
Select OK to save the
changes to the configuration.
Click Reset to revert to the last saved configuration.