EX3500 Interface Port
Refer to the Port Utilization Statistics screen to assess packet
throughput per listed switch port.
Review the following
EX3500 switch port
utilizations stats:
- Interface - Lists the impacted physical EX3500
Ethernet Port reporting the listed stat.
- Octet Input Per Second - Number of octets entering the listed
port in kbits/second.
- Packet Input Per Second - Lists each port's received packet total
per second.
- Input Utilization - The input utilization rate for each listed
- Octet Output Per Second - Number of octets leaving each listed
port in kbits/second.
- Packet Output Per Second - Number of packets leaving each listed
port per second.
- Output Utilization - The output utilization rate for this listed
port interface.
Periodically select Refresh to update the statistic counters to
their latest values.