Adding and Editing a Peer IKE V1 Configuration

To add or edit a profile's VPN peer configuration settings:

  1. Go to Configuration → Profiles → Manage Profiles .

    Select a target profile from those displayed on the screen.

  2. Expand Security and select VPN..

  3. Select the Peer Configuration tab to assign additional network address and IKE settings to the an intended VPN tunnel peer destination.

  4. Select Add to define a new peer configuration, Edit to modify an existing configuration or Delete to remove an existing peer configuration. The parameters that can be defined for the peer configuration vary depending on whether IKEv1 or IKEv2 was selected.

    Click to expand in new window
  5. Configure the following parameters:


    If creating a new peer configuration (remote gateway) for VPN tunnel connection, assign it a 32 character maximum name to distinguish it from other with similar attributes.

    IP Type

    Enter either the IP address or FQDN hostname of the IPSec VPN peer used in the tunnel setup. If IKEv1 is used, this value is titled IP Type, if IKEv2 is used, this parameter is titled Select IP/Hostname.

    Authentication Type

    Select either pre-shared key (PSK) or RSA. Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) is an algorithm for public key cryptography. It's the first algorithm known to be suitable for signing and encryption If using IKEv2, this screen displays both local and remote authentication options, as both ends of the VPN connection require authentication. RSA is the default value for both local and remote authentication (regardless of IKEv1 or IKEv2).

    Authentication Value

    Define the authentication string (shared secret) shared by both ends of the VPN tunnel connection. The string must be between 8 - 21 characters long. If using IKEv2, both a local and remote string must be specified for handshake validation at both ends (local and remote) of the VPN connection.

    Local Identity

    Select the local identifier used with this peer configuration for an IKE exchange with the target VPN IPSec peer. Options include IP Address, Distinguished Name, FQDN, email and string. The default setting is string.

    Remote Identity

    Select the remote identifier used with this peer configuration for an IKE exchange with the target VPN IPSec peer. Options include IP Address, Distinguished Name, FQDN, email and string. The default setting is string.

    IKE Policy Name

    Select the IKEv1 or IKE v2 policy name (and settings) to apply to this peer configuration. If a policy requires creation, select the Create icon.

  6. Select OK to save the changes made within the screen. Select Reset to revert to the last saved configuration.