Create the forwarding path from the client to the server.
default ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D}
default ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} vrid <1-255>
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D}
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} disable
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} enable
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} vrid <1-255>
no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D}
no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path {A.B.C.D} vrid <1-255>
If the relay is a virtual router configured on this interface, you must set the vrid.
GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration